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Bitcoin- an update for 2025

Amanda Williams • January 30, 2025

The astrology of Bitcoin in January 2025

It is a while since I looked at bitcoin and in that time a number of very interesting things have occurred, :

  •       Bitcoin has become more institutionalised but, at the same time
  •       there is less widespread interest, outside a certain sector of the US electorate
  •       Bitcoin has reached an all-time high but this does not reflect its value but rather the political conditions  surrounding it

We have also had recent fun with a few new coins, which have I guess stripped out another layer of readies that might have gone to bitcoin.

It is absolutely ripe for another look

I always forget what an extraordinarily concentrated chart this is with the vast majority of activity in one quadrant – starting with Pluto and ending with Uranus. What that means is that it can take a while for challenging events to manifest because the planets take a long time to form any meaningful transiting hard aspects to the original chart.

But before we look at the implications of that, let us take a peak at the chart for December 17th 2024 when Bitcoin reached its high to date in 2024 (Jan 20th it reached slightly higher).

Although Bitcoin had more than doubled from its 2022 low by early 2024 and had reached a high by April 2024, it is the last 2 months that the major breakout has occurred since Uranus returned to 24 Taurus. Uranus isn’t the only player though.

First of all we have an ongoing conjunction between progressed Mercury and the natal Sun- this is a multi-year influence but it draws focus towards the Bitcoin identity for a long time.

The broader conditions were created by Uranus, planet of surprises and sudden drama square the chart’s Ascendant, Neptune and sextile its progressed Venus ( significator of value) and trine the progressed Mars, significator of trading activity.

The week of the high we had Mars, retrograde, stationed on the Bitcoin Moon and opposite its progressed Jupiter. Transiting Mercury was trine Mars.

The transiting Sun was square Neptune that day and the Moon trine it, and the progressed Moon at the same degree all creating the conditions for focus on the top of a bubble

Uranus doesn’t really move out of orb for another couple of months year so the excitement won’t die down for a bit at least ( as evidence by the 20th Jan high after my first draft of this)

Going back to the core chart and its cluster in one area the main exception to the time taken to make hard aspects is Pluto which has slowly moved to reach the other planets and will continue to do so over the coming few years.

Pluto is currently about to conjoin Jupiter, indicating that activity and valuation is mainly confined to big money and bankers. Note it did this last May when the rise since 2022 halted and it was reduced in effect by the last quarter. Although Pluto can release value when in combination with Jupiter, it seems its effect here is to reduce it. It will be in play all 2025 and early 2026.

Then it will, within the next few years, go on to conjoin the progressed Jupiter, repeating the theme. But then it will oppose the natal Moon. That does not suggest to me a coin that will be widely on release to the general public – indeed it suggests a challenging relationship between them as early as 2027.

The position of Neptune is even more fascinating. Although towards the back end of the stellium in the chart, the natal Neptune is only one degree away from a conjunction with the Descendent. Since the chart I use is for the receipt of the first transaction ( the only absolutely certain location we have) the whole history and mystery is encompassed in this position- we don’t know who Satoshi was and we don’t really know what the purpose was ( we have a paper which purports to explain it but we cannot tell if it reflects the true objectives) and we don’t know what if any the intrinsic value was/is. Neptune is absolutely the key influence in this chart.

Neptune will continue to progress towards that Descendent, finally reaching it at the end of 2028. That will mark a key period in the currency’s history – when that Neptune has to confront the real world.

Neptune by transit, on the other hand, is going to start its work much sooner. Once it ingresses into Aries, it will square the Bitcoin natal Pluto. That should manifest by May this year, pretty much when Uranus referred to above reduces in effect.

 Neptune tends to undermine foundations and structures, Pluto represents the deepest structures- it isn’t a good combination, especially as Neptune will be accompanied by Saturn, together they almost always represent inertia and weakness. This does not bode well.

However Neptune will simultaneously make a sextile with the natal Jupiter and as we know this is the combination that bubbles are made of. Saturn may be overcome by the combination and not be able to pull things back to earth.  Either way this configuration will dominate 2025 and early 2026.

Uranus is faster moving – taking just 7 years to complete a sign. It has already made some interesting aspects to the natal chart, including sextiles and squares to almost all the players.

As mentioned, it is currently square the Neptune and Ascendant, and sextile the progressed Venus, explaining the crazy behaviour of the price of late.

Now it has started to move on and will eventually make a tricky aspect to Pluto but a positive aspect to natal Jupiter.  But once again it is in 2027 when we see a return to Uranian drama.

 Saturn provides a more short term influence- it has already completed over half a cycle since the coin was created. Bitcoin has survived its toughest transits in 2020-2022. It now gets some let up while others take its place. Saturn will however start to create new tough conditions ( see re Neptune above) soon enough though.

Jupiter moves more rapidly still. It has already completed a whole cycle since 2009 and is well on the way to another. It magnifies and can be massive when in conjunction with the outer planets but can’t always compete with the power of those outer planets when in competition with them. Although its position in early November contributed to the start of the recent price rise it isn’t currently doing much more than increase overall trade.

Overall although there is no immediate sign of collapse, there doesn’t seem to be a significant upside for a while either. There are a couple of points which could go either way and are worth watching for but for the moment I’m out.



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