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USA - The astrology of 2025 and beyond

Amanda Williams • January 27, 2025

Astrology of the USA 2025 and beyond

I’ve bought my popcorn, have you?

It has been a while since I posted here, with the exception of a quickly cobbled together, and ultimately incorrect US election forecast. That was not a big deal, my forecasting was mainly about the themes to be expected rather than the actual winner- readers will know I am rarely interested in the details of personal charts.

Anyway enough of that. It has been a very busy year and the business’s activities have had to take a back seat for large parts of it. But that is all done now and it’s hopefully full steam ahead for the next few years.

I thought I’d start by looking at the USA again. There are no secrets here, there are a multitude of astrologers both in the US itself and elsewhere who have the US charts at their fingertips and are able to forecast how the next few years will play out.

None of them are gasping in amazement after the last week of Trump antics. This is who he is, yes, everyone knows that, but astrologers know that the US, too,  is manifesting exactly what we would expect it to, the actions of the new president are, in a way, incidental to the bigger picture.

I have referred to the outlook, both in the introduction to the election forecast and also briefly back in early 2023- the US is certainly living in interesting times.

There may be a sigh of relief as Pluto has finally moved into Aquarius, where it will spend the next 20 years. But it isn’t Pluto we are primarily interested in anymore.

That honour goes to Uranus. Having “enjoyed” its first Pluto return since 1776, the US now gets to have another shot at the Uranus return.

It doesn’t have a good record. Uranus was obviously in Gemini from 1774-1781 and at 8 degrees at the time of the declaration of independence in 1776, starting war with the UK.

It returned in 1859-1866 just in time for the civil war reaching 8 degrees in 1861

Back it came in 1941-1948, and yes, we know, war again, this time ringing the changes, on an international scale.

These aren’t the US’s only wars but, aside from the aftermath of 2001, they are some of the most notable.

So no prizes for guessing where Uranus will be 2025-2032; Gemini again

That does not necessarily mean the US is going to war again in the traditional sense though.

This time we note that the progressed MC is already conjoining the natal Uranus and has been transiting the progressed Uranus all last year. We already have a taste of what is to come and. that what, is Trump. With his own Sun conjunct Uranus in Gemini-his time has come and untrammelled by the establishment appointments of his first term, now he has accumulated a band of merry marauders who together with their boss are the instruments of chaos that can only be the personification of Uranus.

Now let’s not condemn Uranus- it is the creative spark that takes the human race to the next level of the game. It is new and exciting technologies ( though bear in mind that what was new last year isn’t new this year- Uranus is no longer interested in PCs nor the internet – it has moved in to the latest fad or folly). So we might just get some breakthroughs in the next few years.

But before we cheer the new leadership on to some Uranian utopia we must remember 2 things:

  • People don’t like chaos for very long and will push back
  • Uranus doesn’t like going backwards. So a return to the modes of the 1970s or 1950s or even 1850s is not going to work. Cancelling laws that Uranus, a lover of all the diversity in the universe, would completely embrace isn’t going to play well with that planet. It will have its own brand of karma waiting in the wings.

And that might well take the form of conflict…..

Especially since after encountering its own foundation position transiting Uranus will cross into the astrological house of partnerships and open enemies by late 2028.

While Uranus is the main, or at least most excitable, player we also need to look at what else is happening. Pluto may not be taking centre stage but it still causes problem, most notable in 2025-26 when it is square the US progressed Saturn. Pluto – Saturn is fear and loathing, brutality and fundamental re-evaluation. It is already happening. After the initial period Pluto goes on to quincunx the US foundation Venus-Jupiter when we can expect major financial changes. It completes the 4 year period given extra force to Uranus – something that is not a little concerning.

Our last major guest that we need to examine is Neptune. It has still to leave its sextile with the US Pluto, perhaps the only moderating influence there is. After that by 2026 it is starting to activate the square to the Jupiter-Venus conjunction – this is bad for financial matters, even more so when we consider that Saturn joins it in early 2026- economic inertia is not what people are wanting or expecting, at that time it is likely to be what they get. Of course by 2028 Neptune is sextile both Pluto and Uranus – this could moderate effects but I am inclined to think that it will only obscure their severity – chaos still reigns but under an cloak of disinformation

There is plenty more we could say, but I think that is enough for now. We need to see how these early months play out to have an idea of exactly where the pinch points will be, as we assess to what extent the new President’s plans and plentiful executive orders become reality once Congress and real people get involved.


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