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NVIDIA stock and the Deepseek shock

Amanda Williams • February 1, 2025

The astrology of NVIDIA stock after Deepseek

Amongst all the drama, tragic and otherwise, of the last week, we could quite easily forget to consider one of the biggest financial events – the impact of Deepseek on US AI stocks.

We will focus on NVIDIA which is one of the most well known

This chart is set for 9.30, opening of trading on Monday 27th when the fall was registered by the market.

What we are mainly looking for is not necessarily trend indicators ( there may be some) but short term shock indicators. But we will use the usual approach of starting with the long term influences and move towards the days and minutes.

The biggest long term player here is Pluto. We all know by now that Pluto has left Capricorn for good ( or at least the next 200+ years) and is now making itself fully at home in Aquarius.

In NVIDIA’s case that means Pluto is conjoining its Neptune-Sun conjunction – this is indeed long term dangerous. Neptune blows bubbles, Pluto destroys everything in its path. Pluto also has another long term influence at work – in the progressed Mercury’s square to NVIDIA’s natal Pluto. That is in effect for a while yet and doesn’t bode well for positive news.

It takes more than one swallow to make a summer, and while it is possible we may have seen the best of the stock for a while, there are also indicators coming soon that suggest that we aren’t out of bubbles yet.

But back to the day in question. Note how at 9.30 that morning the Ascendant of the transiting chart is sextile Pluto – highlighting its effects, and magnifying them, as it is conjoining the progressed Jupiter too.

The stock has been also benefiting from a long term trine/sextile of the progressed Sun to the natal Mar-Saturn opposition. Mars- Saturn is hard work but with the Sun like that it can be harnessed positively. With this ending over the coming year, it is another sign that perhaps the top has been and gone.

We also note that the progressed Ascendant is separating from an opposition to progressed Mars, representing trading levels.  which has been a high for a  couple of years while the aspect was exact will now fall back gradually to more normal levels. Note how on the 27th, the transiting Sun was square this axis- definitely a negative indicator.

Back to the outer planets, Neptune is having less of an impact so far – being quincunx Mars  ( though it is on the midpoint of the progressed Sun and Saturn but that is of minor interest to us in this case) -indicating that trading can be confused and positions need adjusting. All much as we would expect to see given the circumstances.

Uranus is usually at least partly involved when something sudden happens and we can see that it is heavily highlighted, As well as transiting Uranus at 23 Taurus being trine the NVIDIA Mercury ( news and communications) it is separating from a square to Venus and a sextile to progressed Venus ( significator of value). That’s not all bad but we can see how it got highlighted on the day as transiting Venus reached 23 Pisces, close to the Ascendant and Jupiter – not surprising ( Uranus) that everyone was looking at ( Ascendant) the major ( Jupiter) change in the value ( Venus) of the company.

What has given Uranus the force on the day  is transiting Mars- it is within orb of a sextile to Uranus but more importantly it aspects by trine the natal Ascendant and by opposition the progressed Midheaven conjunct natal Mercury. That pulls everything together  in a way that can’t be ignored as Uranus, suddenly activates Mars undermining the public image of the stock

We can also see that Saturn has recently conjoined the NVIDIA progressed Moon    - I would have expected it to have had an impact over the previous month but it’s in the 12th house, we haven’t seen the threat until Venus, having  conjoined Saturn reached the Ascendant. [ We don’t often talk here about the planetary journeys and how they pick up influences as they interact with other planets but this is a good example]. But to be honest this is far less of a player than the short term Uranus and Mars and longer term Pluto configuration.

Things may take a while to fully recover as Saturn trundles on reaches the Ascendant in early March. But the real fun comes when Uranus and Neptune and Saturn change signs


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