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US Election 2024

Amanda Williams • October 21, 2024

Astrological analysis of the US 2024 Election


Good day everyone. I haven’t posted here for a long time due to many commitments this year. I hope to be able to do more over this winter.

I may be the only astrologer on the planet that hasn’t, so far, had a go at analysing the potential of the US election candidates so I am going to remedy that omission. However, don’t expect consideration of every possible chart.

Last time (in 2020) I spent a great deal of time looking at the post-election chart for both candidates as well as the main parties. None of it was very convincing and in the end my best prediction was based on the inauguration chart.

So this time there will be no messing around – I’m going straight for the Inauguration!

Oh, ok then, perhaps a teeny bit of messing around, but not with the candidates charts- I am, however, going to look at the US chart for 4 dates, 6th November, 6th December, 6th January and 20th January, because this shows how things are being set up for the coming 4 years or more.

Post Election – 6th November 2024



As everyone and his dog has remarked, this chart shows Pluto in its final degrees of Capricorn and having passed for the last time the US natal Pluto. Surely this is a good sign? Well maybe, We’ll return to that question presently.

We can definitely note that transiting Mars has moved into a new sign and appears to be moving away from an opposition to Pluto (though it is approaching a square to the US progressed Saturn). That’s generally a good sign perhaps indicating some reduction in tensions.

However that is somewhat negated by a conjunction of transiting Jupiter with the US natal Mars. Now Jupiter is transiting the US 7th house, so this may reflect external dramas, particularly in the Middle East. But it may also say something about conflict between the main parties in the US. We will be looking to see how its journey unfold over the next few months.

Another factor to note is the conjunction of the Progressed MC with the US Progressed Uranus. This was exact a few months ago but we can see from the chart that in the coming year it will conjoin the Natal Uranus, reawakening some of the same issues and generally providing some drama in the news about the country. Anyone who believes the inauguration will be the end of the matter is probably misguided.

Finally I want to draw attention to the Progressed Ascendant. At almost 11 degrees Virgo it is approaching a square with the Ascendant/Descendant axis- this will perfect in the coming 18 months and may be an indicator of further division and problems. In November stationary Saturn also squares the axis so the chance that the election will be straightforward and uncontested is frankly very small.

So let’s assume that by the day after the election we either don’t have a clear winner or that the winner is being challenged through courts etc for the coming month at least.

6th December 2024

The date is chosen purely because it is exactly one month later. There are dates in December that are more active politically such as 17th.

Everything said for November still applies to some extent but there are some moderations.

First Pluto has changed signs. Yay.

But a) so has the Progressed Moon which is now approaching the US natal IC. We need to think about what that means – the Progressed Moon passed over this point every 29 years but how often is it in such tight aspect with Pluto? Change is definitely afoot. The presence of the North node here reinforces the importance of the coming weeks.

And b) Pluto maty have moved on but transiting Venus is very much reactivating the US Pluto. If we thought the story was over, we are mistaken, it still has some juice in it.

We also note that transiting Jupiter has retrograded away from the natal Mars and is now trine, you’ve guessed it, progressed Mars. So there may be easier resolution of the challenges ( either internal or external) , but equally they may be able to play out with less encumbrance.

Finally, we note that the Sun and Mercury are transiting close to the Ascendant so in this week are activating the square between the progressed Ascendant and the natal axis. Saturn remains in orb and al the transiting planets are close enough to Jupiter to pull in it configuration too. I expect challenges right, left and centre

January 6th 2025- Certification day

As well as being the anniversary of 6th January 2021 ( so long ago?), it is Certification Day for this election too.

It has already been designated a high security day by US security organisations, So it can be no surprise to see that the astrology is highlighting such concerns.

Pluto is, as mentioned, safety over the line into Aquarius, but the sextile with the Moon and North Node intensifies and the Moon has now passed the IC. This suggests that most of the problems will be obvious at least by then.

Transiting Mars on the other hand is opposite the US progressed Pluto, this is of course not a good sign of peaceful acceptance at all. Expect problems either on the day or its lead up.

If that wasn’t enough we see that Jupiter has now retrograded back to the Descendant, fully pulling together the square of the Ascendant/Descendant axis with the Progressed Ascendant and (still) Saturn. This either means internal conflict or external events that put the US in a holding pattern, maybe even both.

Given the picture on January 6th, I can’t fully rule out a delayed inauguration, but we’ll have to work with that chart in the absence of an alternative.

Inauguration day- 20 Jan 2025 12 noon

I’ve switched the charts round this time ( so the Inauguration chart is the inner wheel), but otherwise the story continues.

Of course the US Pluto is conjunct the MC every inauguration as is the transiting Sun ( at Noon). The only difference in 2025 ( as in 2021) is that transiting Pluto accompanies them. And as mentioned this is picking up the progressed Moon opposite the Natal MC and the Node. So the story continues until this day at least. Mars remains close to the MC/IC axis in conjunction with the US Mercury.

Jupiter remains on the Descendant, and as mentioned activates the important t-square, though by 20th January Saturn has moved away from 12 degrees and no longer completes such a tight cross.

The good news is that there is no obvious new challenge at this point, though we will not have fully resolved the existing ones and there are more to come ( with the Uranus MC) in the next year. Whoever wins, things won’t be calm and uncomplicated for at least a couple of years given the transits to come.

Who will be in the spotlight on inauguration day?

I feel then that looking at the candidates synastry with this chart should give an answer about who is inaugurated even if it is under some fluid conditions.

First though I should note that the amount of active synastry between the charts is amazing.

  • Their Mars are almost conjunct
  • Harris’s progressed Sun is trine Trump’s Ascendant and her Ascendant/node is sextile his Mars
  • Trump’s Jupiter is square Harris’s progressed Moon.
  • Harris’s Jupiter is conjunct Trump’s MC
  • Trumps’ Pluto is conjunct Harris’s progressed Ascendant.
  • Untangling which is stronger is likely to be extremely difficult.

Trump vs inauguration date 2025

Once again we show the Inauguration moment on the inner wheel and Trumps’ natal and progressed charts around it.

We must remember that there are elements of this chart ( the angles, Sun etc) that have already worked for him– Trump has been president- in 2017, even if he did not achieve it in 2021.

Trump does have planets that make aspects with the MC and Sun/Pluto, but they are not obvious ones. His Saturn – Venus conjunction conjoins the Inauguration Mars at the IC of the chart and his Mars- Ascendant and progressed Mercury form a quincunx with the MC. Similarly his progressed Jupiter Venus squares the MC . This is a pretty mixed bunch- we know he is a lucky guy generally-  it is not wholly difficult but lacking in an obvious configuration to clinch the deal.

His natal MC does trine the Inauguration MC but it also conjoins the transiting Uranus- suggesting some surprises but not necessarily success. With that square his natal Mars and progressed Mercury it is more likely to suggest sudden outbursts. If he ends up being elected it will be more years of random shouting rather than any coherent and calm leadership.

The Inauguration Ascendant is at 14 degrees Taurus and other than a quincunx to his progressed Mars does not make many aspects to his chart. It is in wide square with his Pluto and progressed MC – this might suggest he struggles with gaining power. His Progressed Moon is however close to the Descendant    but this makes it square his Pluto – he may experience loss and feel vengeful.

One possible useful connection is that the Mercury in the inauguration chart ( which itself is sextile a Saturn- Venus conjunction )  is square the Moon and that Moon  is conjunct Trump’s Jupiter. That Jupiter is also trine his natal Uranus and progressed Node. It gives some support to him but more as an unexpected speaker rather than a planned one. Indeed the Inauguration configuration itself has a suggestion of a female influence.

I can’t fully rule Trump out on the basis of this chart but it is also difficult to rule him in easily.

Harris vs inauguration date 2025

Starting again with the Inauguration MC- Sun-Pluto, it is a mixed blessing to see that the MC is square Harris’ Moon and Sun-Mercury conjunction. But we know this is not a deal killer as she has already been vice president with a similar Inauguration chart in 2021.

Also the involvement of her natal Mercury with the inauguration Pluto does suggest she may get to speak – as seen last time this is a pre-requisite for success, even though it is a hard rather than easy aspect.

She does have the benefit of her natal Jupiter being conjunct the Inauguration Uranus and thus trine the MC, but she also has a quincunx with her progressed Ascendant and Node which makes things tricky. She certainly has a lot of elements at these crucial degrees but as in Trump’s case they seem to cancel each other out for the most part.

Nevertheless she certainly has her share of aspects to the chart!

What Harris does have is progressed Jupiter rising on the Inauguration Ascendant- this is very positive. However it is opposite her Neptune so it is quite possible that this represents a fantasy rather than a reality. The trine to her natal Pluto-Uranus ( and progressed Venus) conjunction though perhaps strengthens the fundamentals of the aspect and enables it to manifest fully rather than as just a vain hope – it certainly carried things through in 2021.

We can also note that her Pluto -Uranus progressed Venus conjunction is in opposition to the Inauguration Saturn-Venus.

Finally turning to Inauguration Mercury ( square Moon) again, It does pull in her Pluto -Uranus Venus conjunction widely and even her progressed Mars. Finally there is her progressed Moon at 17 Cancer – it opposes the Inauguration Mercury and squares its Moon but it does make aspects and it is supported by the Jupiter-Neptune opposition.


Based on this I would say that Harris is just slightly ahead in terms of profile on the day. Both have aspects to the MC and to the chart Mercury and Moon. Trump has generally positive aspects to the Moon but negative ones to Mercury. Harris has the reverse.

Overall Harris has slightly better progressions than Trump.

It certainly isn’t a clear cut picture- I can’t help feel that not everything will be fully resolved by this day but if Harris has just marginally the edge when it comes to standing up and speaking on the day. 


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