Of course the first thing that stands out is the Midheaven. It is within a degree of Jupiter’s station this year- and Jupiter has now retrograded back to progressed Uranus in the Afghan chart at 27 Aquarius- big upheavals were almost inevitable. More so because in the chart Uranus is opposite Saturn at 0 degrees Virgo and square its North node at 29 Scorpio. All this picks up natal Mars at 27 and progressed Mars at 29 Virgo as well as a square to the Moon at 27 Taurus.
It is also fascinating to note that last week’s analysis of Italy the same axis was highlighted, but with much more positive planets involved.
We can also see that in this chart the current Mars/Mercury conjunction ( trine stationary transiting Uranus) is conjunct the country’s progressed Saturn and Ascendant and square its progressed Midheaven. Yes, ladies and gentleman, we have another double whammy! This conjunction is exact today but has been active for the whole of the last week.
Added to that the Afghan progressed Mercury is at 14 Sagittarius and progressed Moon is at 13 Aquarius as well all tapping into the conjunction this week. No wonder that things have come to a head so rapidly.
That Mercury/Mars will dissipate over the coming couple of weeks but the Jupiter effect will last for some months yet. I take that to mean that the short term disruption will settle down but we are only beginning to see the longer term changes that will be made.
Another interesting fact is the square of transiting Neptune to the Ascendant of the country an indicator of the uncertainty surrounding the country and its relations with others.
One thing that does puzzle me about this chart, though, is the progressed Sun, representing the leadership. At 5 Sagittarius it is not especially aspected by either configuration. The natal Sun is at 24 Leo (obviously as it is 19 August) so is bound into the country’s chart with Uranus and the Moon – not a terribly stable Sun at any time. But one would have expected to see the progressed Sun particularly hit by the astrological events, but it is not. Almost as if the leader was not really important. We perhaps do not have the full picture of what has happened in negotiations that have taken place earlier this year.
While this is not the place for detailed forecasts, it would be remiss of me not to consider what this change means for the women of Afghanistan.
The women are signified by both Venus and the Moon- though the latter also refers to the people in general. As already mentioned the Moon is square Uranus in the natal chart. Venus at 26 Virgo also makes an aspect. Interestingly both are in sextile to the natal Mars. No aspects are made to Saturn or Pluto. So, although there are indications of sudden changes, there is nothing really inherent in the chart that suggests repression, except the position of the Moon in the 12th house and that the ruler of the 12th is Venus- hidden away. Venus is also in the 4th house suggesting perhaps some preference for traditional family roles but nothing too dramatic. Progressed Venus was retrograde in Virgo until 1966 and did not return to its natal position until 1997. Venus finally moved into Libra in 2002 which seems significant as it follows the US invasion. It is now at 18 degrees and in the middle of the 5th house – quite a shift. It is difficult to see how the freedom genie will be put back in the box so easily. But certainly the natal chart position does not suggest stability.
But there is something else in the chart that catches my eye. As mentioned progressed Mars is at 29 Virgo. In May 2023 it will change signs. That will clearly bring a change to the mood in the country. Maybe it is not just the women who want progress then but the men too.
One can’t also rule out more disruption in 2024-5 when Uranus will reach 27 Aquarius and Jupiter reaches the country’s Ascendant.
Looking even further ahead, 2033 stands out as interesting in terms of women and freedoms in general.