In these depressing times, it is nice to look at something a little lighter once in a while. And you know I love a technical glitch.
So what better topic for this week than the technical glitch that British Airways experienced over the weekend of 25 February.
First we have to decide what charts to consider. There are a multitude, as BA is considered to have started in 1919 but there have been numerous mergers etc. since then.
We’ll narrow it down to three. The first flight chart in 1919, the merger in 1974 and the float/privatisation in 1987.
This gives us an additional opportunity to consider how the different charts for a company work, whether in tandem or not.
Starting with the flight chart.
The website assures us that although there were three flights on 25 August 1919 it is the second one that they consider to be start of real activity. That was at 9.10am
I can’t seem to find an exact time for the start of the glitch on February 25 but it seems by 20.00 systems had been down for at least an hour.
So here we go.
It is not really surprising to see that the Pluto- Saturn conjunction of 2020-21 is square progressed Venus, as this indicates economic hardships. But the glitch, although having financial consequences is really about something else – the technology, though not the ability to fly itself.
We expect sudden glitches to involve Uranus, but in the case of an airline, Uranus also relates to flight itself. In the natal chart, Uranus opposes the Moon, and here this is a good thing representing people escaping the ground. We also note that the chart has a conjunction between Mars, Jupiter and Neptune, another indicator quite literally of flights of fancy.
At the time of the technology problems, Pluto has reached a quincunx with the Moon, it isn’t preventing flight but it is making it damn tricky to take off! However Pluto alone is not the cause of the problems it is just creating an environment for them. We could wonder if the approaching conjunction with Venus and Mars is partly responsible but I feel that isn’t close enough in this chart yet. However, although the time of the initial problems is not confirmed we may well be close to the mark as at 19.00 hours GMT transiting Mars is quincunx the Ascendant.
But far more likely to be the culprits are Uranus and Saturn. Transiting Saturn is opposite progressed Jupiter in the last week, that would certainly be enough to affect flying. It is accompanied by Mercury at 12 Aquarius which opposes the progressed Neptune, quincunxes the progressed Saturn and is aided and abetted as we expected by Uranus at 11 Taurus, which although trine the progressed Saturn is square the progressed Neptune, indicating that no-body would probably know what the heck was going on! The fact that the transiting Uranus Mercury square also picks up the progressed Sun rather seals the deal. Jupiter at 13 Pisces just makes it bigger and more noticeable.
Moving on to the Merger which created the company we recognise today, that of British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and British European Airways (BEA), in 1974
Note this chart describes a very different purpose, the creation of a large company that just happens to fly passengers compared to the previous chart which was all about the flying activity itself. It is a more likely chart in which to see Corporate failings such as major technology problems.
This chart seems to suggest at time of 7pm for the start of the problems might be about right as the transiting Ascendant is conjunct the merger Mid-heaven. More importantly Neptune is hanging out down at the IC of the chart, undermining everything. Transiting Mars and Venus only serve to give it some extra impetus, especially as they are square the chart’s progressed Uranus, definitely an indicator of a trigger for a glitch. They are close enough to the natal Moon opposition for that to be relevant too.
We can also see again some of the difficulties of the last couple of years. The progressed Ascendant has been opposed to the natal Saturn, literally grounding everything and is now square to the natal Pluto; other problems are beginning to surface. The fact that transiting Pluto is about to quincunx the natal Saturn does not bode well for the next year either.
But the stand out transits here are once again involving Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter. We have transiting Jupiter conjoining the progressed Jupiter. Surely this would be a good thing, isn’t Jupiter the big old cuddly benefic? Sometimes. But more than not he’s just the big old expansive guy- who takes everything and blows it up to epic proportions. Here he sits right on one of our glitch-mongers Mercury AND square the progressed Mercury. Transiting Mercury is trine the progressed Mercury for good measure. Oh dear. Not a double whammy but a triple one. Transiting Mercury as we know has just made a square to transiting Uranus, presumably setting up the IT scene nicely.
Indeed the presence of the trickster Mercury here instead of the more dangerous Mars suggests that the Universe is being quite generous. Better this glitch than ones that involves Mars- BA needs to heed to warning and get its act together. The fact that Saturn is trine Mars seems to support this, clam down and do things properly it says. .
Finally, we can look at what the impact is on the floatation chart.
Now we are, once more, looking at another chart that describes something different. This is not about the activity, nor the inner workings of a large corporation; this one is about the performance of the shares. Obviously it will have elements that describe the nature of the activity but it won’t always follow the same trajectory as either of the previous two.
It is interesting to note that once again the time I chose seems to resonate with the chart. The Ascendant of the moment on 25 February coincides with the Descendant of the floatation chart. The MC of the moment opposes the progressed Saturn- suggesting things being depressed/slowed. Coincidence perhaps, but one of the coincidences that the Universe likes to send our way so often.
Anyway, the Floatation chart Ascendant at 25 Pisces is right in the middle of the action. But this time we see little of the glitch itself, rather we see the impact on the shares and reputation.
As well as having Jupiter rising and being square Uranus (I said it might still describe the business and this certainly does), we see that the progressed Sun is at 24 Pisces and transiting Neptune is at 22. The chart Moon is at 24 Cancer trine the Ascendant but square the natal Mars at 23 Aries. And, on the day of the glitch that Moon is opposed by transiting Mars and Venus and that Mars is square them. It’s not good if you are a shareholder. Note that the Pluto Saturn conjunction in 2020 was right on this point- it well describes the difficulties the shares suffered as a result of Covid. Events in February just resurrect the problems.
There are other less significant configurations that are ongoing too. The progressed Ascendant is quincunx the natal Neptune/Venus, another source of value uncertainty. But the latter is not related to the IT problems.
The problems of February 2022 are, though, further confirmed by transiting Saturn at the moment conjoining the progressed Venus, supressing values. All that and the shareholders have to worry about the impact of Russia on flying too.
Finally we can see how everything ties together with two triggers. The transiting Moon at 1 Capricorn is sextile both the progressed Moon and Mercury. Linking the year’s wider conditions (progressed Mercury) to the month’s (progressed Moon) and to the day/hour (transiting Moon). That’s how it works.
Interestingly some of the direct pressures on the shares seem to be waning for two or three years with Pluto giving us a break, but, there is a lot of uncertainty coming up as Neptune continues its journey first over the Ascendant Jupiter-Uranus configuration and then catching up with the progressed Sun. As in everything we look at, interesting days are ahead.