Having considered the general background and Bitcoin, in this part of our 3 part series we’ll look at Ethereum and Binance. In Part III we’ll have loads of fun looking at Dogecoin and Shiba Inu
Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum did not peak in April, indeed it didn’t peak till a month later on 12 May 2021. That is interesting, although the cryptocurrency market to some extent moves as one, there are many factors which differentiate them. The devil is in the planetary details.
Remember how Bitcoin had a Sun Jupiter conjunction by progression in 2021, well Bitcoin has a Venus Jupiter one ( arguably making it even more attractive), although this is somewhat offset by a natal Saturn square. During early May transiting Jupiter has been opposite this point accentuating everything big time. That explains the overall boom in 2021.
In April the progressed Moon was conjunct Uranus, making for surprises though by 12 May it was separating so is important but not enough to confirm our boom as then.
We need more to confirm the day itself. We find it in the transiting Sun which is sextile Neptune and trine the Ethereum Mars at 22/23 degrees. Note that 23 degrees as Neptune will return to it with Jupiter in April 2022, unless other factors are difficult that suggests another peak to come.
But the 12 May was not the middle of a bubble- this was a peak. So, not only are we looking for price boosters, we are also looking for turning points. Transiting mars has just crossed the MC ( and is about to square the progressed Ascendant) and is sextile Uranus –that is inevitably going to result in sudden shifts in trading conditions. Mars has also just passed a trine with the natal Neptune which also indicates the end of excess trading enthusiasm and illusion.
Furthermore, in 2021 Ethereum broke away from a harsh opposition between the progressed MC and Pluto, however in May Pluto reaches 26 degrees of Capricorn and the Ethereum Moon, re-igniting background challenges and fears of speculators.
There are other minor aspects too that confirm this such as Mercury sextile natal Mercury and separating from a trine to the progressed Ascendant. But we have found enough, let us turn to the November peak
Unlike the May peak, the November one coincided almost exactly with that of Bitcoin on 9th November.
Of course some of the configurations from May are still in place; we still have a trine involving Uranus and the progressed Ascendant and we still have the conjunction between progressed Jupiter and Venus. However we no longer have Jupiter to activate it. Instead we now have a progressed Moon at 28 Aries trine the conjunction and square the progressed Mars which has now reached 28 degrees also. Both indicative of the conditions for high values but also expecting a change shortly as the Moon moves to 29 and away from the conjunction.
Transiting Jupiter is however obliging us in another way. Now it is at 23 degrees and is quincunx Mars, indicating frantic trade.
But still , that alone is only enough to time things to around October and November, it is not enough to time things to November 9th. For that we need more.
On the 9th the Moon reaches 24 degrees Capricorn, conjoining Pluto and having passed the opposition to Mars
But what do we need to see the turning point. As we know from our Bitcoin analysis of the same day transiting Mars and Mercury are conjunct at 6 Scorpio, they square the Ethereum Sun and transiting Saturn. With an angle ( the Ascendant) at 7 Libra we can see the conditions for a turning point. And we should not forget that Neptune is at 20 Pisces, making a sesquisquare with 5 Scorpio. Mars and Mercury have moved past and the event is over. Similarly the Sun has passed its trine to the progressed MC. Short term support, as well as some of the longer term support is slipping away.
The Binance chart is rather different from the Bitcoin and even the Ethereum charts, unsurprisingly, but nevertheless there are still elements that resonate to the same transits.
First we can look at some of what are turning out to be key degrees ( i.e the degrees that will be important in April 2022)- i.e 23 degrees. Binance has Saturn at 23 Sagittarius, and, this year alone, it has its progressed MC at 23 Leo.
In May these were somewhat activated by Neptune at 22 Pisces. But Neptune was also picking up the Venus
(representing value) at 22 Taurus that time. The trigger on 3rd May was transiting Venus at 22 Taurus. Note how the different chart details mean that the precise date of a top was a few days different in this case.
Although Pluto was making a wide trine to progressed Venus and even a square to the natal Uranus at the time, almost certainly contributing o the wider trends of the year it probably didn’t have that much impact on the events of May itself.
Another ongoing configuration in the year was progressed Ascendant trine progressed Mars. A very upbeat trading signal for the whole year. However there were no notable triggers to this in early May.
However, also in May we note the wider picture included Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. In the case of Binance, that meant it picking up the Uranus at 27/28 Aries- a sign of big unexpected events – in this case both a run up to a peak and a turning point. On the 3rd May, Mercury was at 28 Taurus creating the trigger necessary for the top.
Finally we can look at a couple of other interesting configuations. Saturn at 13 degrees was trine the natal Jupiter but also almost square the Ascendant. On the 3rd May the Sun was at 12 Taurus. By the 5th May it had crossed the all important Ascendant/Descendant axis. If we didn’t already have some triggers for a turning point this would be a dead cert.
Even without the fact that the 3rd May also saw transiting Mars conjoin the Binance Sun.Even though I see astrology work time and time again, it fascinates me how all these different crypto charts are so neatly triggered by slightly different aspects on different days.
But in the case of November the day was the same, so we should expect even more fascinating correlations.
Of course the key here was Jupiter at 23 Aquarius. In this case opposite the chart progressed MC and trine Saturn. Aided and abetted by Pluto now at 24 Capricorn. But that just gives us an idea of the background picture; we need more.
Neptune continues to make a trine to Venus but that is still just a year long background event and although progressed Mercury has reached 21 Cancer by the autumn its effects are still broad brush.
The answers, once again come from the transiting Sun and Mars/Mercury.
What about the mars/Mercury conjunction square Saturn? Well that has just passed the trine to the Sun at 5 Cancer. Not forgetting that 5/6 degrees is a semi-square from 20/21 degrees. The Mercury /Mars conjunction subtly affects Neptune and accentuates its activity at that time.
The Sun is at 16 Scorpio, it has passed the Ascendant and by 10th November will have crossed the progressed Ascendant trine Mars and semi-sextile the progressed Moon too, not to mention the sextile to Pluto.
Once again we have all the necessary factors both in the broader picture and on the day.
And we don’t need to go into detail about the likelihood of April 2022 being significant- it is clear that once again, what affects one will impact them all.