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FAANGS-The astrology of Netflix January 2022 earnings impact on stock price

Amanda Williams • February 16, 2022

Netflix -

the astrology of the January 2022 earnings impact on stock price

Back to a less successful FAANG this time, or a less rewarding earnings announcement at least

Netflix reported revenue of $7.71bn for fourth quarter of 2021, a 16pc increase in revenue over the same period in 2020 and added 8.28m net paid subscribers missing its own expectation of 8.5m subscribers

It said it is experiencing a slowdown in subscriber additions and gave a weak forecast for the first quarter of 2022 in its latest earnings report.

 Netflix shares dropped 20pc after its earnings report was published


But we don’t care about that. We only care whether the astrology aligns. Which it will. Obviously.

Once more we have a foundation chart which seems pretty accepted, and where we use 12 noon as our time, and a valid IPO chart. And, as usual we’ll start with the foundation one from 1997, like a lifetime ago.

Netflix foundation was obviously not as a streaming service. That didn’t happen until 2007 and it wasn’t till 2013 that it produced its own content. Looking back we can see that in 2007 the natal retrograde progressed Mercury stationed and turned direct and soon after the Midheaven progressed into Virgo to join it. A Saturn-Neptune opposition across the MC/IC axis accompanied the change. By 2013-14 progressed Mercury and MC were conjunct. Venus progressed into Scorpio over this period too indicating the change in direction.

But we want to look at now, or rather 4 weeks ago.

The timing of the call has the call MC opposite the progressed MC, that’s not ideal though a sextile to transiting Venus helps.

First we see Saturn conjunct the Foundation Jupiter. That is a classic lowering of expectations sign. Though it is sextile Venus it is also quincunx progressed Mercury- the content is still being produced but the streaming demand is weaker. Don’t forget it isn’t terrible – Netflix still added subscribers, just not as many as it anticipated.

Transiting Uranus has opposed Mars, indicating the unexpected nature of the trading news, and is just about to cross the Descendant axis after which it will go on to oppose progressed Venus and square Jupiter, so expect changes in content scheduling etc. soon.

Transiting Pluto has been quincunx the progressed Moon, and in the days before the call Mars has opposed it, definitely an indicator of dwindling customer interest, though not a strong one. Pluto is sextile progressed Mars, subs are up after all, but there is negativity about the forecast with Pluto moving over the natal Neptune.  

Other background changes in environment are shown by the Sun recently progressed into Libra. The trine between the transiting Sun and progressed One is favourable for the leadership, but again it’s opposite the natal Moon, so the shareholders response is not good.

Interestingly Netflix’s foundation chart lacks the 21-24 degree emphasis that is prominent across other tech. This is a different beast.

But things are likely to change vastly in the next couple of years as the progressed Sun trines the natal Uranus and sextiles its Pluto coupled with a shift of the progressed Ascendant into Sagittarius which will make the same aspects as the Sun. One to watch for takeovers etc.  

Moving on to the IPO chart

Much more drama here, in keeping with the more extreme reaction by the shares to the earning announcement.

There is some difficulty built into the chart- with a Pluto Saturn opposition. Fortunately that is not particularly activated at the moment.

Our old friend Pluto is sitting slap bang on the IPO Descendant and is opposite the progressed Venus, significator of value. Things were going down in January. The quincunx to the IPO Mars points to share trading matters.

We also see that the progressed Ascendant is opposite the IPO natal Neptune at the moment. But that is a long term (approx. year) configuration.

Another ongoing, for a few months, aspect is the square between transiting Neptune and the progressed Sun, suggesting a somewhat unclear picture and leadership concern over strategy.

But this all describes the wider picture, not the hour or even day of the announcement.

Mars at 27 Sagittarius opposite the natal Mars is one of the triggers. Uranus reaching 10 Taurus square the Prog Ascendant – Neptune opposition is another. The fact that the Midheaven is at 10 Aries makes this configuration all the more potent, albeit diluting its impact somewhat as it is a sextile/trine. Progressed Mars, indicator of trading levels, is at 9 Cancer so immediately gets activated. It’s a trine with Uranus but that is not good as it means even more trade – in this case selling.

The IPO Jupiter is at 14 Cancer, so the same degree as in the Foundation chart, that means that transiting Saturn forms a quincunx with it (rather than the conjunction we saw earlier). But the killer blow is the transiting Ascendant at 13 Leo. Another company that needs an astrologer- it really isn’t a good idea to schedule your earnings call for when Saturn is slap bang on the Descendant in New York. Especially when that is close enough to the progressed Ascendant too. And making it quincunx transiting Venus does nothing for the value of your shares.

Having said that, there is a neat correlation between the IPO Sun conjunct Mercury and the transiting Sun Mercury which trines it. In that respect the timing came together. Day good- hour no so much.

It wasn’t all bad news of course and that is reflected in the chart. The Midheaven which is sextile transiting Jupiter and trine the Moon at the time of the call is sextile the IPO Venus- echoing the themes in the Foundation chart. That’s pretty good and echoes the increase in content and in subscribers even though this fell short of that hoped for.   

We also note that the progressed Sun at 21 Gemini and Moon at 22 Libra will be picked up by the April configurations- so little effect on the underlying business but some on the Company particularly the leadership. And with Pluto moving forward to square the progressed ,Mc in the next year or two things for the shares look as interesting as for the underlying company.


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