Note the Neptune- Mars conjunction. (Since we have no time the position on the ascendant is co-incidental – so far as anything is in this universe of ours). We can also see how gas in the Uk ties into the Pluto-Uranus opposite Saturn configuration of the mid 60s- and this how it key to changes in industry in the country since then.
Now let’s see how the current planetary positions ( transits and progressions) play into that chart.
The progressed Sun in 2021 is exactly conjunct the progressed Neptune. [Note that although the progressed Pluto and Uranus are at the same degree this is a very very long lasting aspect and while part of the wider story not responsible for this September’s drama.] On the other hand transiting Pluto trine the Sun in the chart and activated by transiting Jupiter is obviously contributing to the problem. We also note that last week Mars was square progressed Mars and Jupiter. Mars has clearly been the trigger in this case.
It is also concerning that progressed Mars will apply to the 1965 Jupiter then progressed Jupiter over the next two years; even if the short term price issues are resolved this does not suggest the wider issues will be resolved quickly.
Another lesser factor is the transiting Neptune-Mercury quincunx- part of the energy issue leading to gas shortages was the lack of wind power (Mercury). It is quite neat.
We can also see that the north node has returned to its 1965 position for only the third time- so now represents a key time for determining future direction.
Another chart of interest, although not confined to gas alone, is the chart for the privatisation of the electric companies in 1990 – this has been set for the float date at the market opening.
It obviously doesn’t shout gas or Neptune. indeed it is Uranus (electric) which is the rising planet. However it is a useful chart from which to consider consumer energy matters. There is a very tight quincunx between Neptune and Jupiter hiding out here too. It is also worth noting how the chart ties in to the Uranus/Neptune/Saturn conjunction at this time, so we can assume that it will resonate to the cycles of these three too.
It is also worth also consulting the UK chart itself. Here shown with transits and progressions for mid September
We can immediately spot one thing that interestingly is not Neptune related: Mars on 17 September was exactly conjunct the UK Uranus. This is quite clearly the trigger. Note that it was also the trigger in the earlier 1965 chart- and it is what appears to tie the two together now.
But there is masses going on in the chart generally. Transiting Uranus is on the Mars/Neptune midpoint and is square the country’s progressed MC and Sun/Jupiter/Moon conjunction. It is not surprising that last week’s gas crisis has led to this week’s oil tanker one and the burgeoning Christmas Turkey one. And with Uranus having a few years to transit the chart’s grand cross it looks like we are in this for the long haul ( although apparently without any hauliers).
More pertinent to our gas situation, Jupiter is opposite the country’s Saturn and of course our gassy friend Neptune is square the progressed Ascendant and Mercury is trine that progressed Ascendant, clearly showing how the two energy sources, mentioned earlier, were creating a unique pressure point for the UK.
We love it when a plan comes together- even when the only individual appearing to do any planning is the Universe and definitely not anyone in government.