It is back to the political arena this week for a look at the unrest in Kazakhstan.
This is the first time I’ve analysed the country so apologies if my views are a little tentative. I’m using the chart posted in Nick Campion’s, Book of World Horoscopes. The date is clearly correct but I have done no validation of the time; let us hope the chart speaks for itself.
Protests began on Sunday 2nd January and we can immediately see that that was the day that Mercury crossed the Descendant. This gives us some confirmation of our chart time.
We note that Kazakhstan has recently in 2021 had its Saturn return ( yeah, me too Kaz) so perhaps the events of this week are the culmination of wider concerns about the country’s direction and not just about the fuel prices which pulled the trigger.
We can see that transiting Saturn at 12 degrees has now reached a square to the Kazak Venus, an indicator or resource limitation. The fact that it is sextile to the Midheaven and square to the progressed Midheaven further emphasises the picture as fundamental to the state of the nation.
In the last year we note that the progressed Ascendant has formed a square with the natal Pluto and then we also see that in January transiting Pluto has reached a trine to the progressed Moon, which suggests the people may be particularly unhappy (though a trine is one of the better connections between the two planets it can still manifest as fear and loathing). This is background stuff but indicates that what we are seeing is the culmination of a longer period of disatisfaction.
Worryingly we see that Pluto will cross the Descendant within the next couple of years, that is likely to lead at best to problematic relations with other countries – already Kazakhstan has turned to Russia for help in quelling its protests. With that Pluto there they may need to watch that they don’t get dominated by the very party they look to for help.
But none of this would be enough to cause nationwide unrest. For that we must turn to our old disrupter Uranus and our helpful trigger guys such as Mars.
In the Kazah Independence chart we already have Uranus trine Jupiter and square the Midheaven. With the progressed Midheaven at 13 degrees this will have been activated in 2020 and 21 and will continue to be for at least another year. But what seems to have set the whole thing off is having Mars at 13 Sagittarius (the natal Mars is at 12) and the New Moon ( i.e the Sun and Moon) at 12 Capricorn conjunct the Kazak Uranus. Boom.
As transiting Uranus is currently at 10 degrees and will move forward to 12-14 degrees in the coming months, this is not over by a long stretch.