Just a short post this time. But I thought it would be interesting to look at Pakistan, following the vote of no-confidence in the leader, Iran Khan last week ( at time of writing).
First it is helpful to see whether I managed to forecast this change.
The answer is not exactly, but…… In my 4 year Pakistan report which I produced in January 2021 I wrote the following for 2022.
The underlying themes of 2021 start to become more pronounced in January and February 2022 as the long term structural issues facing the people become more important. There is definitely unrest in the air and this can easily break out into to something more major. ………..
….The people are in the spotlight in March and April. And all the tensions are likely to be released. This is an extremely difficult time. Especially for the leadership who seem to have no options and are not being listened to.
Everything seems to accentuate rather than subdue the problems.
So, although I didn’t actually forecast the change of leadership I did identify the surrounding conditions for it.
What led me to those conclusions? Let’s look at the chart.
We can see that the background conditions for the people aren’t great with Pluto opposing the country’s Moon.
In January and February Saturn opposes the country’s heavy Pluto/Mars/Saturn conjunction – this can’t bode well at all. It also involves the t-square with the Ascendant and Jupiter. And the progressed Moon activates it by a trine.
This all comes to a head in April as the progressed Moon reaches the progressed Midheaven- certainly enough to get the country in the news. At the same time Saturn reaches its opposition to the conjunction of progressed Saturn and the natal Sun. This definitely indicated that the burdens of the leadership would become very heavy indeed and that it would literally face tough opposition. This literally happened the week before the no-confidence vote. It was also accentuated because Jupiter reached the same degree by quincunx.
Finally we see that by 9th April Uranus had reached 13 Taurus and was in a square to the Pluto/Saturn/ conjunction. This is an indicator of disruption and sudden change. There are currently protests and rallies by Khan’s supporters.
I don’t want to delve too deeply into personal charts here, but it is worth commenting that Khan’s natal chart and progressed chart in April 2022 have a large amount of planets at 21-25degrees.
· Pluto- 22 Leo
· Neptune -21 Libra
· Progressed Neptune/Saturn 23-24 Libra
· Progressed Sun 21 Sagittarius
· Mars 25 Sagittarius
No great surprise then that the conjunctions of Mars/Saturn and Neptune/Jupiter had the impact they did.
All in all, both the country and Khan are a pretty textbook case of astrology aptly describing the picture.
So, it is also interesting to look at whether the changes at government level help solve the problems.
My forecast for May to August was:
Unsurprisingly the issues continue, indeed we are not looking at any resolution soon. However this is a brief period when the people are more aligned with the leadership. [ Of course I didn’t know that it would be a new leadership when I wrote this]
However in all other ways it is very difficult, including still for the leadership……– and the country’s whole identity is at stake. No one is clear of where things are heading only that the changes are very very upsetting.
So, it looks like a big NO to the new leadership being the solution.