And we’re home. Back in the UK for the last of our September2022 analyses.
And what a month it has been!
Of course we visited the UK in August and a lot of what we said then still applies, but there were some things we could not say and so a revisit to sum it all up is required.
As a bonus you get two charts. One for the death of Queen Elizabeth and one for the impact of the mini-budget.
Her Majesty’s death certificate was issued yesterday so we now know the exact time 15.10 BST (14.10 UT) - although there is an argument for using the public announcement time when discussing the UK chart. I will touch on both.
Of course, the key player is Uranus opposite the UK Neptune and square the progressed Sun. This indicates changes in leadership at both monarchy and prime minister level.
I must admit that, when I was writing in August, I struggled mightily with talking about the change of leadership because I couldn’t separate the Royal family from the government in the chart. Now we know why. I suspected, but it would have been wholly inappropriate of me to comment at that point.
Look too at 16 degrees of the same signs. In this case Neptune is square the progressed MC and natal Venus as well as the progressed Sun already mentioned. An indicator of the awe in which the Queen was held everywhere among other things.
But we also see in the chart that on the 8th of September Jupiter is opposite transiting Mercury conjunct the Ascendant/Descendant axis. The country was announcing (Mercury on the Ascendant) the end of a Royal reign (Jupiter on the Descendant.
At the time of her death the Moon is conjunct Saturn and trine the transiting MC and trine the progressed Ascendant. I can’t emphasise enough how important such a mix (pulling in natal, progressed and transits to angles) is in astrology but we don’t often have such accurate times. (This incidentally also tapped into the Queen’s own chart but many others have written about that so I won’t dwell on it here).
We can also note that the transiting Ascendant in the chart is at 18 degrees and trine the Progressed Sun. An interesting indicator of the rise of the new King. The Ascendant is also conjunct the country’s Mercury, both signifying the news but also the heirs. Furthermore, we see the transiting Sun is at 15 degrees semi-sextile the progressed Jupiter and just about to sextile Neptune and quincunx the UK Venus.
There is frankly so much going on between 15 and 19 degrees in this chart that it is still difficult to separate out all the elements (royalty, government, economy, currency etc.)
It is interesting to note that at the time of the announcement (18.30 BST) the transiting Ascendant had reached the Progressed MC at 17 Aquarius.
Then we could also consider the position of Mars at 10 Gemini. It is square the progressed Mars, semi-sextile the natal Mars, sextile the progressed Mercury and quincunx the natal Sun. Quite extraordinary really. By the time of the announcement the transiting MC at reached 11 Sagittarius opposite Mars. The astrology just goes on and on.
And I suppose I should also mention the progressed Moon. At 29 Leo it is potentially another indicator of the end of a royal reign.
I think that is enough though. Suffice to say the chart is working fine!
But what about 3 weeks later and the economic implosion?
Following the mini-budget, by the new PM and Chancellor on Friday 23rd things, which were already precarious economically started to unravel rather rapidly. Sterling had already had a bad week but by Wednesday 28th the financial system had a more pressing problem. Gilts were falling rapidly ( yields rising) and many pension funds were in trouble. The Bank of England was forced to take action.
The yields were up from market opening but it was 11 am BST when crisis action had to be taken and that’s when this chart is set for.
Well, what a surprise. The transiting Ascendant is at 17 Scorpio, conjunct Neptune ( indicator of Sterling and general financial matters in the Uk’s second house of finances and resources) and opposite what is now our best buddy Uranus. Saturn remains in square to Uranus- making Uranian borne surprises rather less than joyful.
The transiting MC is opposite Pluto. Nice. Or rather not at all nice. Pluto; Significator of financial crashes and mega wealth
Of course we must reiterate that these angles occur once every day, so they aren’t the whole picture. We have our background factors and we have our hour/minute trigger but we once again need to find our date pointer.
That means looking at a combination of the Sun, Mars, Mercury , Venus in broadly that order.
The Sun is close to the UK ascendant but it doesn’t reach exact until 30 September. It is however quincunx that progressed Pluto ( and is semi-sextile the transiting MC). Definitely a contributor.
But Mars is also in play. At 19 degree, trine Saturn, it is obviously activating all that 17/19 degree stuff. And it must be considered extra effective due to the eclipse importance of these degrees.
Mercury’s impact is moderate (at 25 degrees it is perhaps aiding transiting Pluto in its longer term bashing of the UK’s progressed Saturn).
But Venus is doing more at 28 Virgo approaching conjunction with Uranus. It seems that it is the combination of Mercury Venus and the Sun that has told the story of the week’s events.
On 2,3rd mini – budget day, Venus was opposite Neptune (which is quincunx the UK Saturn a classic economic weakness sign). Mercury was at 29 degrees conjunct the UK progressed Uranus. Eeek, not a day for gentle announcements. The Sun was at 0 Libra.
The Sun then conjoined the UK natal Uranus square the progressed Venus and at a new Moon. No Blue Peter badges should be issued to whoever thought this would turn out well.
By the 26th transiting Venus and Mercury were conjunct and trine Pluto. Yes, that Pluto that is quincunx the UK progressed Saturn. ****.
Added to which the progressed Moon changed signs into Virgo subtly shifting the mood.
Honestly what a mess.
Hey, ho! Things can only get better, right?
Well, we just have Saturn and Uranus to complete their work slowly, and that eclipse to go in November. And the progressed Moon in opposition natal Pluto at the same time. Then Neptune has to continue work on the UK Saturn, and Mars goes retrograde over everything again.
Happy days, UK.
Finally, I can’t sign off without a quick look at the Bank of England chart that I use as a proxy for Sterling. Here is my forecast written in November 2020
[By June] I expect partners to be trading the currency frantically ( probably with selling dominating.)July to September are much the same – but perhaps with less emphasis on the frantic trading. October to December still continues the theme and there is a return to the urgency and exaggerated trading of May and June.
Although I mention September as less active – these are broad forecasts- the fact that I say October and it started in late September is spot on in this context.
I feel like posting a row of laughing emojis now.
The Bank has a Neptune return – oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no no, as they say. And it hasn’t even dragged Jupiter into the picture yet.
Pluto is opposite its progressed Mercury- rates are gonna change.
Mars was conjunct the BOE progressed Uranus on Wednesday. Of course it was. Saturn is trine it.
Look how the (speculative) progressed Ascendant is activated by progressed Mars and the transiting MC at 11am and by the quincunx with transiting Jupiter.
Only the Sun seems to be uncoupled from the picture. Likely because the head of the bank was not in control here.
I won’t even comment further on what is in store for Sterling in the coming months, we can probably hazard a guess.