The match started at about 17.18 local time, but was scheduled for 5pm so the chart is set for that. Note that the Moon is on the MC – an indicator that this is all about the women. By the time they started playing Saturn was rising- which is perhaps a little strange until we see that it is conjunct the Composite Neptune and taps into that expectation opposition- Saturn made both players as well as all of us face the reality of their expectations and the fact that someone had to win and someone lose.
But the thing that immediately struck me was the Mars position. The Mars for the final is almost exactly the same as the composite Mars. What a fabulous condition for a competition and hopefully the start of many more final matches between these two. Mars is trine Pluto and sextile the Moon of the moment, demonstrating the power of the competition to seize the attention of the masses.
Also conjunct is the Venus position for the final and that of the Composite chart. It is not surprising that the media and sponsors are all over this.
There is more. Jupiter on the day is at 24 Aquarius and is conjunct the Composite Uranus- a perfect signature of a major positive surprise for them (born 2 months apart means they share the outer planet positions in the chart). Uranus itself is square the Composite Jupiter (almost exactly to the progressed Jupiter), creating that astrological double whammy that we love so well. Indeed these aspects would have been in situ for both players for all the competition perhaps indicative of their successful paths to the final as well.
We could go on but I want to keep this short and sweet. Isn’t it wonderful to see how perfectly astrology describes not just the moment, but how that moment ties in with not only a single individual but also a pair of them. Much respect to Emma and Leyla and to the Universe too.