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Turkey earthquake February 2023

Amanda Williams • February 17, 2023

Astrology of Turkey's 6 February 2023 earthquake

A much more serious topic this week (*). It doesn’t give me pleasure to write about tragedies but sometimes it is necessary to demonstrate the efficacy of the astrology.

I am not going to analyse the earthquake chart itself, I am interested in what it means for the country, so I’m using the Turkish chart plus the transits etc at the time of the quake.

I’ve set the chart for the time of the first main quake, although there was another large one 9 hours later, as I feel this best encapsulates the theme of the moment.

Given there is clearly a lot going on, I was interested to see what I had said about Turkey in my forecasts for 2021-4 written in December 2021.

I did not forecast an earthquake, although my whole 2022-23 period talks of unrest and instability I had attributed that to internal conditions and not extrapolated to the seismic nature of the region this time.

For January and February 2023 I had said :

There is still instability surrounding the leadership. This may lead to some dramatic actions by that leadership especially later in February.

But the focus now turns to the people and the extent to which they feel constrained …. There is certainly indication………. of economic hardships.

All of which is correct it just ignores the trigger. I also forecast:

The focus stays on the people as we move into March and April. As we know the mood generally changes now and this shift may see a …. attempt to unseat leadership

We will see.

Anyway, now back the chart, why I said what I did and what shows the nature of the issue.

We can see that Turkey has some tough issues baked in with Pluto on the Ascendant and square Mars.

All of the outer planets, from Jupiter on, can contribute to earthquakes if the location is susceptible.  In this case Jupiter is definitely one of the wider contributors. At 7 degrees Aries it was exactly opposite the Mars on 6th- enough alone to trigger some event by activating the square. The fact that progressed Mars and Jupiter at 11-14 Sagittarius are also picked up can’t be ignored either.

We can see that at the time of the quake the transiting MC is square the Turkish Ascendant and Pluto and the transiting Ascendant is at 8 degrees trine the transiting Jupiter. Although trines are usually deemed easy aspects – you don’t want earthquakes to happen easily and this is what has happened.

And still staying with this configuration we also see that on the 6th transiting Mars is in opposition to the progressed Mars. Altogether, it is pretty much full house of interconnections.  

Nevertheless, it was the square of Uranus to the Turkey progressed Sun which was at the heart of my original forecast. I took that to mean leadership issues, (which is obviously does) but it seems it also pertains to the country itself in this case. Not only was Uranus square that Sun but also quincunx the progressed Jupiter. Although it is separating from that Jupiter aspect, Uranus is also sextile the Turkey progressed Uranus at degrees. But it is the positioning of the progressed MC at 15 Gemini that really completes the set and narrows the risks down to the current year. All it then took was for the whole configuration to be activated on the 6th by the transiting Sun at 15-16 Aquarius.

Finally we turn to what I originally said about the “people” of Turkey. This was based on two factors; Pluto in quincunx with the natal Moon and Saturn conjoining the progressed Moon. Both are applying and continue over a number of weeks, indicating that the pressures on the people are ongoing and not confined to the moment of the quake.

There are other things we could talk about in the chart such as the node and the significance of the MC at 5 degrees at 45 degrees semisquares etc. to  20 degrees but I think we have a cler pictue without them. Suffice to finish with a comment about the transiting Moon at the time of the quake being at 20 degrees conjunct the country’s Neptune.   If you have ever felt an earthquake you will know that it feels as if everything solid is momentarily liquid and of course is accompanied by confusion- exactly the characteristics  of Moon with Neptune.

All in all a pretty conclusive picture, sadly.

Data:Earthquake sequence in Turkey, February 6th 2023 (

(*) of course share prices can be serious if someone has all their wealth tied up in them, but for the casual onlooker ( or the cautious astrological investor) they are generally fun


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