In the next few weeks both Pluto and Saturn will change signs. Saturn does this every 2 and half years and I don’t usually spend much time on the symbolism of planets in signs as I tend to focus on the planetary aspects. However Pluto will be in Aquarius for 20 years and that is definitely worth some analysis so I might as well include a brief look at Saturn to complete the set!
Now, apologies for a long introduction but first we need some provisos.
1) Pluto, as we will see shortly, cuts out the deadweight so we must try to do exactly that. We need to try to isolate the meanings of each planet and sign involved.
For example: It isn’t easy to separate out the impact of Pluto from the other outer planets, and especially Neptune, with which it has been in a sextile almost since Pluto’s discovery. But we must try as Pluto and Neptune will start to leave that sextile in the 2030s and things we have taken for granted will no longer apply.
Of course, the same applies to Saturn in Pisces, though in that case we have far more numerous and more recent examples of Saturn in Pisces to assemble our database so the risk of error is reduced
2) On the other hand, planets don’t operate in isolation; outer planets rarely enter new signs unheralded. The process takes weeks and in some cases years as cycles of planetary pairs wax and wane - they work together to tell us the story. Neptune has been two signs ahead of Pluto for over 70 years and Uranus has been in waxing relationship with Pluto since the mid 60s. Neptune has been breaking down border and barriers and dissolving concrete realities, Uranus has been throwing new ideas and inventions into the mix as well as fighting for its rights. Uranus was in Aquarius from 1995 to 2003, Neptune from 1998 to 2011, they have been planting and watering the seeds ready for Pluto to arrive.
And Saturn and Jupiter have only recently been in a triple conjunction with Pluto. As first Jupiter in 2020-21 and Saturn in 2021-23 have moved into Aquarius they have already set in motion the processes that will unfold over the next two decades.
They have all, to a greater or lesser extent, been preparing the ground, what happens as Pluto moves into Aquarius won’t be something out of the blue. So we don’t have to come up with completely new, we just need to understand how Pluto manifests.
3) We need to be sure we fully understand the nature of the relevant sign. Again this means we should not attribute to Aquarius characteristics that are actually those of another planet or of a House. It is sloppy to equate Aquarius with the 11th house, although we all do it from time to time, and it is misguided to equate it with Uranus and the matters it manifests. But if we go back to first principles we can establish exactly what is Aquarian and what is not. Only then can we accurately derive our likely experience of the experience of Pluto in that sign.
4) We must try to eliminate our bias of good and bad. This is the hardest of all, as we can’t just look it up in a book. There may be a temptation to assume that Saturn will punish or Pluto will eliminate all that we do not like about the world, when it may be that it will do the opposite….
With all that in mind, let’s start with the “easy” one:
Saturn in Pisces: 2023-25
Saturn will ingress Pisces on 7th March and, although it will retrograde later in the year, will still remain in Pisces until May 2025 when it will accompany Neptune into Aries. Neptune will therefore be in Pisces the whole time Saturn is there and, in this case, we can talk about Pisces and Neptune more or less interchangeably ( rules are made to be broken- or, having created our guru we must immediately kill him).
Saturn is all about restriction, contraction and limitation. It has also been traditionally associated with death (although in a more matter of fact, day to day, way than Pluto described below). It isn’t all bad though, its nature keeps things together and builds systems and structures. Indeed, it is really quite at home in our Western job and acquisition orientated culture.
Pisces is just a bit more nebulous. Obviously it has associations with water and fishes, but all liquids are implicated and all hopes, dreams and fantasies. It is spiritualism involving meditation and disassociation with everyday life. Boundaries are broken down with Pisces and with Neptune -and multiple ( infinite in Neptune’s case) connections made- it is therefore associated with big networks and especially wireless ones.
The conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in 2025 will end the cycle started in Capricorn in 1989 and that was (with Uranus) a major contributor to the birth of the internet. Expect endings and new beginnings in that field.
More obviously, Saturn with Pisces and Neptune is likely to lead to water shortages or the opposite, water deaths or those related to liquids and gas generally.
In addition, Saturn and Neptune together are generally accepted to have an association with communism and specifically with Russia (see my previous blog post) and once again we are dealing with a cycle that started in 1989. We should expect major developments in this area over the coming 2 years.
There are also currency implications arising from this planetary pair. In the same way as the Russian chart, the US dollar has Jupiter Neptune opposite Saturn . France also has this configuration as indeed do a number of other countries. We’ll be looking at France in a week or so. Here we just want to make the connection with currency and banking systems.
That’s enough to give a flavour to the main signatures. If readers are interested in more details about previous transits of Saturn in Pisces I recommend the following articles by Jessica Davidson. She has taken the trouble to go through the events of previous years and summarise them for you ( I know because I did the same with exactly the same results but she got there first so she gets the credit).
Saturn in Pisces: Archetypes and History – Jessica Davidson
Saturn in Pisces: Recent History – Jessica Davidson
So, with that, on we go:
Pluto in Aquarius -Pitchforks at midnight or co-operative transformation?
In approximately three weeks from now Pluto will take its first baby steps into Aquarius. There is already much written by other astrologers about what this means. I don’t intend to reinvent that wheel. But I do want to have a quick look at some of the more fundamental themes.
I also don’t intend to talk about what this means for people born with Pluto in Aquarius, although we can deduce they will be left with the imprint of what the planet in that sign means for the wider society into which they are born. The signs don’t stand in isolation , we and the planets are all unfolding on our own evolutionary journeys.
Despite only being identified in 1930, I feel that Pluto is easier to get a handle on than Aquarius.
Pluto isn’t just death in the Saturnian sense, it is far more all-encompassing than that.
Keywords use to describe its influence and associations include:
· Destruction and annihilation. With Pluto there is not even a body left, just dust.
· Fear of such loss or actual death
· Transformation, rebirth and evolution. We are not talking an easy process here. For the phoenix being reborn, everything must have been stripped away and left behind. In evolution only a fraction with the right adaptation can survive, the rest of the species must die for it to evolve and survive
· Relentlessness
· The underworld and underground and what comes from it (partially ruling oil and other extraction). Remember oil was once living beings
· Pluto also has a clear semantic connection with Plutocracy’s massive wealth accumulation and debt. We think of wealth accumulation as being good but excessive accumulation is often driven by monopoly exploitation at best and organised crime at worst and it sucks the life out of the rest of the population like a black hole in a galaxy sucks the light.
We can see that Pluto does not do things by halves. Its journey through a sign must destroy the old and make way for the new.
It doesn’t usually do this overnight, there is time to adapt for those that can, but it will be relentless and it will do the job. There is no going back to the old ways no matter how hard you cling.
After Pluto there may be a sense of spring but that is only for those that make it!
It is worth taking a few steps back to look at the themes of the last century. As mentioned, the ongoing sextile with Neptune makes it difficult to separate the effects of the two planets and mitigates some of Pluto’s worst influences. We must be careful not to attribute Neptunian effects ( on music, fashion etc) to our Pluto ruled periods.
I will therefore try to stick to the core sign meanings in what follows.
As mentioned above, I also feel that Pluto in the signs starts to show its influence a couple of years beforehand as a result of aspects with other planets that then activate the new sign earlier and that this should be taken into account when considering the exact Pluto dates below.
Pluto in Leo 1937-1956
The time of WW2 and the years that followed. The Sun as the ruler of Leo and as the King or leader is relevant here. The rise of Hitler and the war created the fear both of death and of being ruled by a ruthless dictator as well as destroying the borders between nation states and overturning their leadership.
Understanding Pluto’s association with fear is easy here as there is a clear focus. In other periods it is often more subtly felt.
Similarly the period from 1947 gave rise to the cold war. Once again an obsession with leadership and its threat to the status quo. The post war attempts to prevent re-occurrence also finally led to the EEC ( 1957)
The other less obvious impact was the shift towards women in work and the start of a move away from male dominance (perhaps, little kings?) in western society.
Pluto in Virgo 1956-1971
Virgo is about the small stuff and there is no one big Pluto focus to point to. But its influence was there all the same. Its perfectionist nature likes efficiency and simplicity at the expense of everything else.
Mercury ruled Virgo is associated with routine support work and general environment as well as having a connection with health and well-being.
Following on from the 1950s as Pluto transits Virgo we see changes in day to day life. Changes in architecture (brutalism) etc. focus on the functional rather than the aesthetic, and so workplaces start to be different. The impact of women in the workplace on a day to day basis is felt more keenly-a change many would fear and fight against ( and in some cases still do).
Other transformations came with Pluto’s impact on mass data processing allowing transaction volumes to soar- again with huge long term consequences for working life.
Healthcare shifts were also key and there was a creeping change in the function of small animals in the home as they began their road to became pampered dependents rather than working creatures.
The other noticeable trend was that concern about environmental issues escalated and preservation measures were taken. Now this seems to be contrary to Pluto- it is not a fan of preservation of the status quo. But I think that really it reflects the acknowledgment of the Plutonian destruction of that environment – it isn’t saved, but some “museum pieces” are created.
Pluto in Libra 1971-1983
Venus ruled Libra is all about balance, justice, and compromise. Of course that is the antithesis of Pluto which takes things to extremes. So we can expect it to be a time of agreements ending, especially since it is opposite Aries. Venus likes things to be fair, in all senses of the word. With Pluto there it is going to give up on compromise and walk away from any agreement which is not built on those principles.
In finance 1971 was the end of Bretton Woods leading to a free floating dollar not pegged to gold and thus the other main currencies.
The 1970s were also the time of the oil crisis when OPEC ( following a short embargo in 1973-74) started to use its production leverage to raise prices. This then incidentally precipitated the first shift to towards non fossil fuels (though that in itself is not a Libran type event).
And of course there were the groups who wanted balance. Women’s rights were a core fight of the 1970s and divorce soared as women tried to re-negotiate the balance in their marriages and eventually walked away, once again changing the norms of Western society for ever.
Also key to this period I think is the publication of Michael E Porter’s competitive strategy ( 1979-80) which is typical of the focus on strategic marketing that began to dominate corporate thinking and focus; just selling was no longer enough.
Pluto in Scorpio 1983-1995
Mars ruled fixed Scorpio is in essence about oblique attacks and behind the scenes manipulation. Scorpio is also opposite Taurus, sign of sensuality, the earth and of accumulation and resources. So it is the sign of sex for the sake of it, plunder and exploitation and of Investment banking in contrast with Retail Banking.
Indeed one can see why Pluto has been assigned to Scorpio as a ruler in modern astrology. There are some parallels even if they are not identical…..
Of course in its most simplistic sense the 1980s was the decade of the discovery of AIDS where sex itself came with a real risk.
But it was also the decade of take-overs and mergers and the start of the LBO boom. No longer were business boards interested in the money made from their underlying operations (Taurus), they were interested in what they could make buying and selling the whole business and no care for the destruction that that might leave in its wake.
Furthermore, while the 1980s started with a recession, financial policy quickly “fixed” this and led to the credit boom ( Neptune with Pluto) of the following decades. In the UK the “Big Bang” in financial services created similar conditions. The cycle continued with the early 1990s recession and subsequent “irrationally exuberant” boom. Property became more than a place to live but an income source. Until Pluto went through Scorpio business was about making money doing things and investing in things. Now it was about making money from money and to hell with the consequences.
However office life itself hadn’t changed much since the Pluto in Virgo 1960s. Yet
Pluto in Sagittarius 1995-2008
Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is all about the big picture- in religion, travel, education and all manner of communication activities. It values freedom ( yet can also be dogmatic).
The internet ( Neptune and Uranus conjunction) predated 1995 by a few years but its effects were all Pluto in Sag. Starting with Publishing, Pluto decided it was time to overhaul working practices and activities in a way that had not happened for 500 years. In 1994 Amazon had already been founded. It was to revolutionise selling transactions too, eventually sending the high street into crisis.
Pluto didn’t stop there. It was back in the office creating the hot desking scenario and tentatively putting a toe in the work from home market so far as technology allowed it. Micro managers not welcome. The World was “Flat” as global business changed dramatically.
It was also breaking down other borders and creating a cross border currency in the Euro. And ( with Neptune) creating more and more esoteric financial instruments that would permanently change the financial system; not in a good way.
Finally, all that breaking down borders was also cultivating religious fundamentalism as others clung to the status quo. It is worth noticing that Pluto as an agent of fear of change in this case manifested as a fear in the opposite group too following terrorism attacks.
Pluto in Capricorn 2008-2022
Although Pluto in Sagittarius looks like it was a clear cut time it is Pluto in earth signs that has more concrete effects. And I think, as they are so recent, we are all familiar with them.
Saturn ruled Capricorn is driven to create and manage structures. Capricorns are born to establish themselves. It is therefore descriptive of the institutions and organisations that people take for granted. Indeed Capricorns are often taken for granted and underappreciated except in the longer term (Saturn).
So the primary effect of Pluto in this sign is on the whole way our society and more specifically, governments and businesses work. First there is the loss of trust in the government institutions and failure to conduct the activities that have been taken for granted for so long. The US and UK are prime examples but not the only examples of this. Government needs to modernise and so far it has not been prepared to fully do so.
But it is in business that arguably we have seen the biggest effects. The changes that started with Pluto in Sagittarius have now become more entrenched. Following the pandemic ( with the conjunction of Pluto/Saturn and Jupiter) remote working is now the norm for many despite the objections of the traditionalist managers, (often, ironically, the very ones who are technological change promoters). Commercial property owners, for example, have lobbied hard for a return to normal. But Pluto says, “no, you must adapt to the new normal”
The other side of the coin is the adoption of the home as part of the work environment and the challenges that that means for some. And Equality is already emphasised, this time of everyone, much to the chagrin of the male, pale and stale who thought that organisations were their safe spaces.
Of course the pandemic brought Plutonic fear too. But we must be careful to separate out the fears of dying, the fears of loss of jobs and income or of economic power – all Saturn characterised matters, from the fears of having to relinquish one’s own freedom for the common good- something that is I believe a hint of the Aquarian Pluto to come.
But before that, a little diversion into what the sign of Aquarius really means
First a quick quiz.
What Sun sign are the following individualistic, well known, people?
Abraham Lincoln, Mozart, Jackson Pollack, Lewis Caroll and Jules Verne, Alex Jones, Bob Marley and Robbie Williams, Payne Stewart, Cristiano Ronaldo, Michael Bloomberg, Thomas Edison, Buzz Aldrin, Colette
Answer: Of course they are Aquarians
Compare them with the following, obviously still famous, but more conventional:
Ronald Regan, Mendelssohn, Manet, John Grisham, Ashton Kutcher, Sheryl Crow and Neil Diamond, Greg Norman, Xavi, Paul Allen, Dick Cheney, John Deere, Jennifer Aniston.
Answer: Oh, but wait, they are Aquarians too.
What about the following more original group, then?
George Washington, Wagner, Andy Warhol, JRR Tolkein and Douglas Adams, Donald Trump, Ozzie Osbourne, Lady Gaga and Prince, John Daly, Lionel Messi , Steve Jobs , Bill Gates, Neil Armstrong, Emmeline Pankhurst
Answer: Well, as you have probably guessed, they are not Aquarians
This teaches us that it is important to remember that zodiac sign descriptions are generalisations, people and things with planets in Aquarius can have other mitigating or even over-riding elements in their charts and people from other Sun signs can have more individualistic placings. On a more generational level, we’ve already mentioned the impact of the Neptune sextile and other planetary cycles on Pluto’s manifestation.
However, broad generalisations and themes can be relevant when looking at the big picture, so here we go:
Some of the most important qualities of Aquarius come from its nature as a Saturn ruled, fixed, air sign and its position opposite Sun ruled Leo. They are cool, detached and individualistic but at the same time sociable and for the most part tolerant.
But Aquarius is against the status quo, in terms of the leadership, the rulers and the organisation, especially hierarchical ones; so they believe in individual freedoms. That’s why they are often quirky, they don’t worry so much about conformity.
True Aquarians don’t need to tell everyone how to live, they just don’t want others telling them either. Live and let live is very much their approach. Saturn ruled Capricorn keeps things operating one way, Saturn ruled Aquarius keeps its own thing operating simultaneously and they are all equally important.
It is also a mistake to assume that Aquarius is automatically somehow humanitarian and community minded. It isn’t, per se. Indeed empathy for others and the collective is rather more a Pisces trait. But Aquarius is social and may become community minded when the goals of humanitarianism oppose those of the status quo. And, unfortunately, they often do.
It is the 11th house that is truly the group orientated category and this is not the same as Aquarius the sign. However Aquarian nature is to fight for the rights of individuals so there is an overlap and they are interested in others so co-operation comes naturally when there is a common cause.
So Aquarians aren’t automatically going to create a revolution, unless that is otherwise indicated in the chart but they will sign up for it if they see rights being infringed too much.
Similarly new technology is associated with Uranus but not specifically with Aquarius. But Aquarians aren’t so hung up on the status quo, so tend to be interested in new stuff, or at least relaxed about trying it – once again creating an overlap.
Now we understand what the sign is all about we can pop Pluto in the mix and see what we get.
Pluto in Aquarius 2023-44
20 years is a long time. The last time Pluto was anywhere near as long in a sign was in Leo ( 1939-57). It will have a lot of time to do a lot of work and we’ve already had some sneak peaks of what it will work on.
Primary goals of Pluto in Aquarius will be individual freedoms; out with the old fashioned approach to life- get a job, get married, have children, - “you do you” and anyone who tells you, “you can’t”, is toast.
We can already see how this is going. Those who ascribe to the “you do you” are being opposed by the traditionalists. But it is complicated as individual freedoms aren’t independent of each other. John Stuart Mill’s discussion “on Liberty” is essential reading for everyone in preparation.
Concessions will have to be made by both sides, else it is pitchforks all round. The question is, will Pluto’s job be to ensure that individuals get to be more individual or will it push the other way destroying those individual freedoms. Probably a mixture of both depending on the field.
Unfortunately there are likely to be splits in groups and countries and collectives too. Some National and International bodies will be challenged or broken up. Pluto won’t tolerate those groups which are clinging together based on past objectives. They must make sense in the current climate too. A number of the old political parties will fail (UK and USA are prime cases where the seeds of this have already been sewn).
Other similar co-operative organisations may be torn apart. It will affect those that lobby more than those that deal with the grass roots suffering (which are more Pisces related). That may include some bodies responsible for oversight ( though nor regulation which is more a Capricorn matter). And following from this, Climate matters will, of course, be one of the areas when there is dissent and disruption.
This is where we must be aware that things might not always move in the direction we would like. Co-operative cross border organisations that grew out of the horrors of Pluto in Leo may be threatened by the transit of Pluto through Aquarius. It depends whether they are truly fulfilling their roles or are becoming the opposite of what they were created for. Look closely- the truth is in there, somewhere.
DNA matters are going to assume the limelight ( being about individual identity) and it stands to reason that astrology itself will get caught up in survival battles too for the same reason.
Although Aquarius is not about technology per se, there will be technological impacts – this will especially be the case when Uranus moves into Gemini and Neptune into Aries. The whole economic system of everyone working and earning will be thrown into doubt by increasing technological capability (robotics, AI ). We’ll see “luddite” type actions become the norm. ( the luddites were a symptom of the last Pluto in Aquarius transit). This will throw economic models into chaos and some countries’ systems will collapse.
Capitalism will be questioned but there is a definite risk of some countries returning to a quasi- feudal structure as socialism is feared and rejected in some quarters. Some will test UBI ( Universal basic income). More people will try to go off grid and be self-sufficient – but many governments won’t allow citizens to detach from tax systems and markets- it will also be prone to failure in reality, without insurance, healthcare etc. but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be battles before Pluto births the new, new normal.
In summary, we will live in interesting times.