After looking at the US, and with the Coronation of our new king coming up it is only right and proper that we turn our attention to the UK.
As for the US, I’ve set the chart for the new moon directly following the Aries ingress later this month. The fact that it is opposing the UK Uranus suggests we could be in for a a year of potential disruption.
2021 and 2022 were dominated by the journey of the progressed Moon through the Leo stellium opposed by transiting Saturn. Everything leadership related was under extreme stress. Pluto and Neptune also made quincunx aspects to the UK Saturn. The progressed Moon has now moved on into Virgo and Saturn is about to change signs too, perhaps we can, at least briefly, breathe a relieved sigh?
Or perhaps not. The progressed Moon is currently opposite progressed Pluto ( exact 25th February) so there are still some undercurrents and these will potentially only get more challenging as Saturn opposes the UK Jupiter then conjoins first the natal and then the progressed Pluto in March and April. It is an aspect that then remains in place for the rest of the year. It suggests difficulties, security matters, debt problems or financial hardships. The last time this configuration was in place was 1994- and is corresponded with poll lows for the Conservatives, IRA matters and the uncovering of the bodies of Fred West’s victims. Since we currently have Conservative poll lows and negotiations in NI we must hope that no unpleasant parallels to the West case arise.
However, the biggest ongoing theme of the next couple of years looks to be the product of transiting Pluto opposite the UK Jupiter. As Jupiter is natally in Leo this will almost certainly have some ramifications for the Royal Family. Changes are already afoot following the Queen’s death in 2022, expect more of those. Pluto opposite Jupiter will also have implications for the country’s finances- specifically its debt. I think there could be difficulties raising debt ( unless interest rates rise and that has other implications. There has also been evidence that house prices are falling. This potentially could be another manifestation of the transit as so much of people’s perceived wealth is tied up in them. An interesting few years ( until 2026) will likely ensue.
Despite the above rather challenging aspects appearing significant in the medium term, it is transiting Uranus that is the most interesting immediate actor. At 15 Taurus it will soon oppose the UK Neptune . Neptune plays a number of roles in the UK chart not least impacting the country’s finances and currency. It was in these same degrees back in September to November 2022 and we all know what happened then. I suspect there will be similar fluctuations in the next month or so. Matters which accompanied those times ( energy,NHS etc) will raise their head again ( drat, just when I need to order some more oil!!). It isn’t just Neptune but also the quincunx with Mercury at 17 Sagittarius, the country’s Venus at 16 Aquarius, its progressed MC at 17 Aquarius and its progressed Jupiter and Sun conjunction at 16-17 Leo. Oh no, here we go. It looks like the whole period from mid March to the Coronation will be disruptive.
It is good to see that by June Uranus reaches 19 Taurus and is sextile the UK Moon. This is an exciting time for the people but not necessarily unpleasant.
But by September Uranus briefly reaches 23degrees square the UK Saturn. This will mean the beginnings of a shake up of leadership, of sterling probably and possibly even the Union itself. But the real effects will be felt when Jupiter and Uranus meet in April 2024. I honestly see big changes all round then and possible disruption.
That’s enough for now, but it is also worth looking at Sterling to see if the themes above are mirrored in the currency.
There is certainly enough going on . I don’t have a confirmed timed chart for the Bank of England but we don’t need one to see that this year is going to be significant. The New Moon on 21 March is opposite the BOE Mars and square its Venus, this suggests trading issues for the Pound. Obviously next week Saturn will move into Pisces and quincunx the natal Mars ( an aspect it will re-make at the end of the year). It will also in between square the progressed Mars drawing out the conditions across the whole year.
I would also highlight that should the time of the chart set be accurate progressed Mars will now square the progressed Ascendant which will correspond to the US Dollar ascendant and also tap into the Renminbi. Potentially very exciting times indeed.
But returning to what we know for sure, Pluto changing signs later in the month will trine Mars but quincunx the Venus and more significantly it will approach an opposition to the UK Pluto. Seeds are being set for big changes over the next 3-4 years and beyond ( as Pluto begins to oppose the BOE Jupiter).
We can also see that Neptune is making its return ( its second to the natal position since foundation. Neptune is a key player in currency charts so this is more reinforcement that we are entering a one time period of change in the currency. Neptune obscures exactitude so we won’t get a handle on the true value of Sterling for a couple of years.
And of course finally we should consider Uranus- which is playing a pretty dramatic role over the next 12 months in the UK chart. In fact Uranus has completed most of its more immediate action. It will be relatively quiet most of this year. Whatever ensues currency wise will likely be gradual and evolving rather than the drama of last autumn.
However in April 2024 we are likely to see something much more dramatic again as Jupiter conjoins Uranus at 22 degrees close to a square with the BOE progressed Jupiter( and maybe conjunct the progressed MC). Anything could happen then; the fact that the conjunction is effective in most of the charts I look at suggests it almost certainly will.