2021 has not been a good year for the Argentinean Peso. Even based on the official rate the Peso has fallen by 20% this year, but the unofficial rate suggests its value may be half the official one- although in this case it is far less clear when exactly that depreciation has occurred.
For, however bad 2021 may look, it should be taken in the context of the last 5 years, which as the graph shows has been disastrous. Of course it all started with the legal decision to force the country to pay out previous bond holders; the financial effects of that have resonated ever since.
But we are not here to cast judgement on what has been done, we are here to discuss the astrology of it.
Let us start with the country chart.
As usual a number of factors immediately jump out. The country has Neptune on the IC, not a recipe for stable finances unfortunately especially as it is opposite Mars. But that is a natal aspect, it doesn’t tell us much about the specifics of 2021.
For that we need to look at the transits and progressions etc.
We can see that Jupiter is currently on the Descendant, which has been the case since September and originally occurred in April May this year. It definitely puts the country in the limelight with partners and n particular this year with the IMF.
But that really describes its relations, the underlying problems are more likely to correlate with transiting Neptune. During the year it has been square Venus ( ruler of the second house of financial resources) and progressed Saturn- the latter a continuance of 2020 themes, and suggests weakness in the strength of the currency among other things. There may be some brief respite now as Saturn trine the Argentine Mars and sextile Neptune can perhaps moderate things for a week or two.
We can also look back and see how Neptune in the last few years has crossed over the country’s Pluto and the natal Saturn
We also see that Uranus has been conjunct the country’s Jupiter this year, and also opposite its Uranus ( indeed it is currently opposing Uranus). This does not just suggest financial problems, it suggests unrest. We can see how that plays out in this quote from Bloomberg earlier in the year:
Argentina’s Economy Buckles After Leader Puts Politics First - Bloomberg
“A strategy that puts political decisions above everything has squashed any plan to boost exports, lower inflation and kick-start growth. Exacerbated by the pandemic and too few vaccines, a rudderless economy is having its revenge.
Social unrest, closed schools, packed hospitals, cabinet disputes and a deteriorating business climate loom. Nearly 70% of ICU beds are occupied. About 42% of Argentines live in poverty, up from 26% in 2017.”
We also note that the situation was accentuated in the year with Jupiter square progressed Jupiter at 22 degrees. Note how that degree picks up the natal Venus again. I am concerned for the impact of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in early 2022 on the country’s finances. Having transiting Venus stationed with Pluto around these degrees for the next two months will not help either especially since it is also square the progressed Mars. Things will get worse before they get better I believe.
Other things to note are the progressed Sun which has moved into Capricorn this year. This will create a shift in the way the country is governed after the last 30 years, though it may be too early to pinpoint the details of this. One positive of the shift is that Jupiter around June to August was making a favourable aspect to the progressed Sun – perhaps enough that things were a little calmer over that period than in April or October.
Having considered the country chart, we now turn to the currency.
The first thing that we can see is Pluto close to the Descendant. However it hasn’t crossed that point yet. Nevertheless the degrees would have been active in 2020 during the initial stages of the pandemic. So no surprise that the currency fell then.
Note that although Pluto is also trine the Peso Jupiter Pluto conjunction that probably isn’t sufficiently positive to offset the problems and is just an indicator that the currency has an inbuilt tendency to major corrections.
But if we stay with Pluto and look back over the transits of the last five years, we see something else. From 2014 onward, Pluto was close to the progressed Ascendant, making exact contact from 2016 and hardly separating for the whole period since. That alone is enough to depress a currency notably against its partners. By 2019 Saturn has joined Pluto making the situation even tougher. Added to this in 2018-19 Neptune opposed Uranus. No wonder the currency has been hot over such an extended period.
In 2021, we also note that the progressed MC is square progressed Mars and quincunx the currency’s natal Saturn. While this is not as significant as the Pluto and Neptune transits it adds another level of negative influence to the currency’s image. In December ( as in August/Sept) transiting Saturn is also at the same degree.
We also note that transiting Jupiter is square the currency’s Pluto/Jupiter conjunction at the moment. Unfortunately this is just likely to accentuate the trend.
All that and we haven’t even mentioned that during 2021 Uranus has been crossing the Peso Neptune and progressed Saturn. Changes to the currency are likely with this aspect and may occur during the period December 2021 to February 2022.
It will be interesting to see how this then ties into the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in April. That conjunction will mostly make positive aspects to the Peso chart but it is also an inflationary contact so in this case we can’t conclude that the situation will stabilise as quite the reverse may occur.
It is, however, good to see how the astrology has unfolded over the 5 or more years and to anticipate how it will finally play out in the next year.