I had a list of topics for late November and December, Tesla and Rivian, Bitcoin etc and Evergrande. The latter was last on my list but I’ve decided to promote it to top billing as it is certainly experiencing enough drama!
Concerns had been growing about Evergrande’s debt for some time, but these escalated in October and November and in November Evergrande was removed from the Hang Seng index.
Today reports are that the share price has now dropped below the 2009 IPO price. Given how markets have performed in the last decade that is pretty dramatic. So let’s have a look at the astrology.
Although Evergrande was founded in 1996/7, there does not seem to be a date for it. So we’ll have to satisfy ourselves with the IPO chart from 2009.
One thing that sticks out immediately is the fact Saturn was almost on the Midheaven when the company listed and square Pluto. That doesn’t particularly bode well but isn’t catastrophic, But by progression Saturn has gradually moved over the MC that is basically confirming the negative promise of the chart. But that isn’t the main problem, because….
….owch, the longer term picture is right there and obvious. The progressed Ascendant has been applying to a conjunction with the natal Pluto since at least 2018, In 2021 that conjunction became exact. In October/November the conjunction with progressed Pluto was at exactitude. And yes that meaNs that the progressed Ascendant/Pluto is square the Saturn/MC. Things frankly don’t get much worse than that value wise. It is pretty horrendous.
As if it wasn’t enough, we also see that transiting Pluto in conjunct the node and square Venus, another value downer. In this case the sextile to the progressed Sun is not protective because that Sun is square the Evergrande Neptune. As if that wasn’t bad enough in November and December transiting Jupiter has been stationed on that Neptune.
There are other negatives too, progressed Mars has been square the Evergrande Sun/Mercury conjunction, and Uranus in November/December is opposite that conjunction . Oh and Neptune, this year, has been transiting the Evergrande Uranus and square the natal Ascendant. Who knew anyone could choose a chart with the potential for so much disaster.
A quick look at the day that the company was expelled from the Hang Seng is of interest. That was 19th November ( effective 6 December). We see that the Sun and mercury were conjunct the Evergrande progressed Sun,( already perilously aspected) so announcements were about how its whole identity was threatened. Transiting Venus and transiting Mars were picking up the progressed Mars etc around 12/13 degrees and Saturn was opposite natal Mars (exact the end of November).
I think that enough, other than to see why today is significant. Obviously it is the day following the removal from the index. It is also the day a deadline passed regarding debt repayment. That’s the actual manifestation explanation but we are interested in how astrology describes it. Well, transiting Mars, our trigger extraordinaire is square Pluto and conjunct the progressed Sun, and Mercury is just on the Ascendant. The latter transit is perfect for a shift in sentiment about the shares, and the crossing of a threshold, in this case the IPO price.
With transiting Jupiter trine Venus, you might expect some protective themes to hold up value but the reality is the negatives are too many and Jupiter just magnifies them.
Frankly after all that, things can only get better in the longer term, but I rather suspect that long term won’t come to pass as it is difficult to see how the challenges could be overcome.
We have one more thing to do though: to look at how China’s chart fits with Evergrande.
We can look at the China chart in relation to Evergrande ( both natal and progressed positions).
In fact it is not as dramatic as one might fear. The main connections are around 8/9 degrees, the degree of the Chinese Sun, that Sun is currently square its own progressed Venus an opposing progressed Mars. The latter has some time to run. But the progressed Ascendant, with is quincunx the Sun is conjunct the Evergrande Mars tying the two together and with Saturn currently at 9 Aquarius opposite this point it is no surprise things have come to a head. We also note that the China Mars at 24 degrees Taurus is picking up the Evergrande progressed Sun and Venus ( currently activated by transits from Pluto and Jupiter).
There are links and therefore consequences for China but they are not immediately devastating . However, we see that by April 2022 Pluto will reach the Chinese Uranus. That may well make Evergrande look like chicken feed. China starts a new 30 year phase from May ( when the progressed Sun moves into Taurus) and we will likely get the first taste of how this will play out by late January or early February when Pluto is quincunx it position in the China chart (and, rather worryingly, conjunct its own position in the US chart).
Enjoy Christmas, and conserve your energies for an interesting 2022.