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FAANGS- Facebook

Amanda Williams • February 5, 2022

An astrological analysis of Facebook's February 2022 earnings call

You win some, you lose some and so it goes with the FAANGS. While Google shareholders prospered after it announced its results , Meta/Facebook share price floundered losing more than 25% of its value after announcing its quarter 4 earnings.

Surely that must show in the astrology charts? Shall we take a peek?

This is the second time in less than six months that I have looked at Facebook. The first was when it was suffering problems in late September/early October. However those were specific events, albeit perhaps symptomatic of wider issues but what we are looking for now is evidence of broader failings in the business strategy itself.

So it’s back to the foundation and First trade charts for us.

Well, straight in there with the most basic astrology, Facebook ain’t messing around. Saturn is conjunct the Facebook

foundation Sun/Neptune conjunction ( which is also quincunx the progressed Jupiter) all activated by the transiting Sun and a new moon around that degree the day before. They really blew it with the earnings call time – the Ascendant of the call is at 15 Leo opposite the Sun – owch – they need to get an astrologer!!

 It is quite appropriate that not only did Facebook lose 25% of its value but Mark Zuckerberg the founder lost $20b too.  It probably doesn’t help that progressed Mars at 12 degrees Taurus is nearly square the Sun and the progressed Ascendant at 12 Virgo also quincunx it too. The fact that they will be exact in a couple of years is not exactly encouraging.

There are some saving graces in the chart, with progressed Venus at 6 Aries Sextile the Sun and a nice trine this week between transiting Jupiter and the Founding Saturn. Both of these suggest value being preserved in the underlying business.  Just imagine without those it could have been worse!!

Added to this nasty little number is transiting Pluto, still close to the Facebook Mercury, is also currently at 27 degrees quincunx the natal Ascendant.  

Obviously Facebook is another one of the 22-24 Pisces fan club, though it is not in the all’s booming camp. With Pluto at 21 Sagittarius it is already activated by a Neptune square- Facebook finding that the tech environment has moved on since it was founded and finding itself not in the right place. There may be some upside in April though as Jupiter and Neptune will conjunct on the Facebook Venus  

We can be hopeful that with Saturn no longer at 15 degrees, that very heavy depressive effect with abate somewhat but since it will move on to square the Midheaven I won’t hold my breath

Pluto will soon move into an exact opposition with the natal Moon. Not a happy time for shareholders and customers alike- but frankly it is probably activating now as they are getting that picture already.

Turning now to the IPO chart, oh yes, here we go again

Serendipitously or deliberately, we don’t know, but Facebook timed its first trade for when its founding Sun was on the Descendant of the IPO chart. That was fine in 2012, less great for the earnings call in February 2022…..

Because of course that means that Saturn was practically slap bang on the Descendant for the earnings announcement. Oops. Just for good measure the progressed MC for the year is at 16 Taurus, so square transiting Saturn.  The IPO chart also has progressed Mars at 13 Virgo quincunx the transiting Saturn (another degree that was picked up by the foundation chart).

However, unlike the foundation chart, there are no mitigating trines. That is actually interesting – it does suggest that Facebook may well have been oversold following the announcement compared to the underlying value. Whether that is a long term position however remains to be seen.

And although normally Jupiter is a benefic, here in the February chart it is Jupiter square the IPO progressed Sun.  Doing what Jupiter does best, making everything related to the company and its founder just a big bit bigger. When that is losses, it doesn’t feel so benefic, I am sure.

Another interesting factor is the transiting Neptune at 21 Pisces, square the foundation Venus.  Now that is an indication of values diverged from reality- the only question is in which direction? We may begin to get a picture of that by April when Jupiter reaches Neptune. The fact that the natal Jupiter is at 24 Taurus and will be Sextile the conjunction also suggests the potential for unrealistic expectations, although these may be moderated by the square from Saturn/Mars the same month and the natal Saturn at 23 Libra which is stabilizing for Venus. The situation in April is further confused by the progressed Ascendant at 24 Leo.

Since the progressed Moon that month opposes the natal Neptune I would expect values to be all over the shop.  And with Uranus moving first to quincunx progressed Mars then to square the Ascendant and then to cross the progressed MC Facebook will be living in interesting times for much of the year.

I’m sure it will make a great trade, but buy and hold- I don’t think so.


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