So, bar any other global dramas in February, and because they’ve all recently issued their earnings figures, I thought I’d do a series on the Faangs.
Let’s start on a happy note with Google/Alphabet.
Quarterly revenue came in at $75.33 billion, up 32% on a year ago . For full-year 2021, Alphabet reported revenue of $257 billion, up 41% on a year ago. To accompany the resultant stock price rise they announced a 20-1 share split. So this should be an interesting chart or charts.
Google was apparently founded on 4 September 1998. As usual, we’ll use midday in the absence of exact time. I’ve set the charts for the time of the earnings call.
It will come as no shock to regular readers of Optimesia Insights, that Google has some planets at 21-24 Pisces, the degrees of the upcoming Neptune/Jupiter conjunction. Indeed, it is not messing about, it has Jupiter there, neatly covering all bases with the natal position at 24 Pisces and the progressed one at 21. Whatever the markets will be doing Google will be on it.
Not satisfied with just that, its Midheaven ( for the midday chart) is at 24 Leo with Mercury bang on that. But this year, when it appears unbeatable it has progressed Mars right slap bang on that Midheaven. Mars has been in a relatively tight orb of the position since 2018 and will remain so for the next couple of years. This indicates much trade in the stock and a prominent strategy. I particularly like the fact that the transiting Moon was close to the opposition with this point when a stock split was announced.
Of course the announcement had to happen at a time that would activate this point and we see that Mercury this week is stationed at 24 Capricorn.
Just to be absolutely sure that everything was looking good, Google also has the progressed Moon trine its natal Venus this month.
It will be interesting to see what April and the two conjunctions bring, there is potential for soaring stock with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction but Saturn and Mars may bring some hard news for the consumers and perhaps employees.
Another interesting factor in the chart is the natal opposition between Mars and Uranus, it is perfect for ambitious tech company and beautifully describes the original search engine. It has recently had a transiting Uranus square to this but appears to have dealt with this by diversification and renaming. I do wonder what the square of Uranus to the natal Moon in 2023/4 will bring though.
Those familiar with the astrology will be also wondering about the possible negative that having the progressed Ascendant cross the natal Pluto might bring in the next two years. I am not too concerned about this as the progressed Sun and Mercury are sextile, Pluto thus probably manifesting as a strength. I think that this may play out as strength despite surrounding challenging conditions. This is further suggested by the fact that transiting Pluto will go on to conjunct natal Neptune over the next two years – things won’t be as clear in the broader environment.
Indeed the greatest problem appears to be that things are so well starred at the moment there is less room for upside.
And the one thing that does concern me is that by 2024, Pluto will square the Google Saturn. This might bring some direct challenges for the company. But consideration of that is for later.
The second chart we are considering is the first trade one.
The IPO was on 19 August 2004, and according to reports the first trade occurred just before noon at 11.55 local time in New York.
This one is a proper timed chart and shows the power of astrology with the Ascendant for the time of the Earnings announcement all right on the Midheaven of the IPO chart. I love it when a Universal plan comes together…
We also immediately see that transiting Uranus is square at natal Midheaven, the announcement brought surprises in terms of the Stock split but those relating to value ( Venus) were positive with Uranus sextile the IPO Venus. Indeed the picture was further enhanced by the transiting Venus at 11 Capricorn.
We would expect to see that 21-24 axis highlighted again and we are not disappointed. The natal Jupiter is at 22 Virgo ( i.e opposite the Google Foundation chart one). It is supported by a nice trine to the Google Saturn in Cancer. Certainly it appears to have been a good time to start the share trading back in 2004.
There are other interesting factors too. The transiting Sun on 1 February was at 13 Aquarius, the degree of the Google Neptune and also in quincunx to the progressed Sun. Obviously the transiting Sun is there each year and probably the earnings announcement is around the same time each year so it is not particularly noteworthy. However the position of the progressed Sun does suggest that perhaps we don’t have a complete picture of everything particularly at leadership level.
This is further suggested by a quincunx between transiting Pluto and the natal Sun/progressed Mercury. While to some extent being another indication of the stock split, it may also indicate some split over direction/strategy for the future.
The chart mirrors that of the Google foundation date with Uranus opposing Mars ( and Mercury), but the original business wasn’t the main focus of the announcement with little activating this point. And transiting Jupiter is moving away from this point too.
Going forward we note that Pluto will soon oppose the progressed Venus, so perhaps there will be a pull back in the share price over the next couple of years. This is in line with the suggestion of the foundation chart- the company will be doing well but the Stock Market environment perhaps less so, leading to some suppression of values but with Google still outperforming other companies.
Other factors to look out for over the coming years are progressed Mars forming a square with the Google IPO Pluto and the transiting Uranus crossing the progressed Descendant and progressed Mercury moving away from the IPO Sun. Once again we are left feeling that now might be as good as it gets.