We can immediately see Uranus at 13 Taurus ( quincunx transiting Mars/Sun – also the degree of the impending new moon) conjunct the progressed Mars ( and the Node) and square Neptune. Honestly we could just stop there. Isn’t it fascinating how Mars shows up with Neptune in so many of these media event charts.
But we can also see That transiting Neptune ( quincunx Mercury) is square Foundation Pluto-a good description of the whistleblowing. And transiting Saturn is quincunx Natal/progressed Saturn, also aspecting both the progressed MC ( publIc image) and at the time of the outage sextile the Ascendant. Frankly they had no chance!!
Of course, we aren’t surprised to find more of the same. Uranus is now trine Progressed Mars ( not as serious but once more activated by the Mar/Sun conjunction). The Ascendant of the Outtage is conjunct the North node in this case.
A certain amount of caution is required here though. We see that Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, all around 23 degrees, are also aspecting the natal Sun, progressed Ascendant, Saturn and Venus. Big stuff. But these are longer lasting aspects and we already have big stuff in terms of the share price, we need more to indicate something specific on the day. Fortunately ( or unfortunately if you are a shareholder) Mercury obliges at 21 Libra- activating all the above.
We can also see how Saturn once again taps into this chart. This time it is trine the progressed Sun/Mercury and sextile the chart’s Uranus. Not too serious, but it is also square the MC much tougher proposition. Although facebook is up over the year, this Saturn station has pulled it down over the month.
Once again the astrology has favoured us with its brilliance.
Time of launch :Facebook's Early Days at Harvard - The Atlantic
First trade time: First Trade Business: Facebook, horoscope for birth date 18 May 2012, born in New York, with Astrodatabank biography - Astro-Databank
Outtage – 5 Oct 2021 11.30am EDT NY