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Boris Johnson and Boosterism

Amanda Williams • October 7, 2021

An brief analysis of Johnson's birth-chart 

I don’t often look at personal charts, even those of leaders; everything that needs to be said can generally be gleaned from corporation or country birth-charts and there are plenty of others providing personal, astrological, analyses perfectly, adequately so I like to stick to my niche.

However, it would be remiss of me, as I work my way through my Neptune topic phase, to omit the gloriously fabulous example that is Boris Johnson.

Of course many astrologers have already looked at his chart so I won’t go into too much detail, especially around personal matters etc. I just want to stick to the boosterism that dominates his politics.

The key things that stand out in this chart are:

  • His Libra ascendant, with the ruler Venus conjunct the Sun which can make him seem very personable.

  • The Sun in Gemini, planet of communication but also of two sidedness and fiction in some instances. We’ll return to this in a minute 

  • The fact that this is trine the Moon and Saturn ( although these planets are in water rather than Air), making it easier still to gain co-operation from people over the longer term

  • He also has a relatively un-aspected Mercury – a lack of aspects to a planet can mean an excessive focus on the planetary characteristics concerned. In this case, yet more Gemini communication matters. Too much of a good thing is not always helpful

However he also has:

  • A Scorpio moon. In contrast with much of the rest of the chart, this is not a co-operative position- it is liable to make him paranoid and vengeful under the surface. Perhaps why some that have worked with him the past say he can be a nasty piece of work

  • The Moon in quincunx to Mars accentuates this characteristic.

  • Mars in a T square with Saturn and Uranus. Combined with his moon this means he doesn’t like to be corned and will react with sometimes shocking responses when he is. Some of this can be seem in his recent interview when asked about the pigs that were going to be slaughtered en-masse.

But by far and away the most significant thing that stands out in his chart is: 

  • A very close Jupiter –Neptune opposition. As we have seen in our journey through the lands of Neptune – Neptune can very easily lack boundaries, lose track of reality and be an unreliable witness .

Jupiter alone can bring generosity of spirit, positive vibes and good fortune. But Jupiter also exaggerates. Jupiter in such close aspect with Neptune can lead to fantasy, over –optimism and boosterism to an extreme extent. It is also likely to result in laziness and a total inability to pay attention to detail. Even Boris’s greatest supporters acknowledge the latter.

The combination of the Gemini Sun/Venus and un-aspected Mercury with the Jupiter-Neptune configuration definitely suggests someone who may have a loose grip on mundane facts.

However for Boris, this does not seem to have been a disadvantage too often- although he has been sacked more than once for lying. That Jupiter brings luck and widely trine Pluto it also brings the ability harness great power.

People who don’t support him are no doubt hoping for karma to assert itself at some point.

Yet, karma has its own timescales- sometimes it is immediate, but sometimes it takes lifetimes. I once worked with someone who was similar in some ways to Boris. He wasn’t in Boris’s league – but he did take short cuts and hide his mistakes. His team couldn’t believe he got away with the things he did, and kept saying “surely one day he’ll be given enough rope to hang himself” but it never happened, his boss only saw him through rose tinted spectacles. His career continues to blossom 25 years later after those around him have faded into oblivion.

So is it likely that events will turn against Boris in the near to medium term future?

The birth-chart is only the beginning of a story and progressions and transits can shift the balance over time. The question is, is it likely to shift that balance enough in the next few years to affect his career path and the direction of the UK?

Her is the position, in terms of transits and progressions, at present. Yesterday (6 October 2021) he gave a speech at the Conservative conference which was the epitome of his boosterish persona.

We see that in his progressed chart Jupiter is opposite the Ascendant- this is an aspect that is lasting a few years and makes him even larger than life and in the public eye during that time. The progressed Sun square the opposition emphases this even further. Pluto currently at 24 Capricorn is trine/sextile this configuration making his position very strong, though with transiting Jupiter at 22 Aquarius he engenders strong opposition too – just not quite strong enough. We also see Uranus trine his progressed Pluto at the moment providing even more opportunity.

The chart is not without its obstacle though. Transiting Saturn is quincunx progressed Venus and progressed MC. That is challenging. Just not enough to offset the other factors at present.

Over the coming couple of years we can see a few changes emerging though. Progressed Mercury will square natal Mercury – there will be more of the sort of content that filled his recent speech. 

Neptune will move to sextile and trine the progressed Jupiter- Ascendant opposition and this tiej next year it will be accompanied by Jupiter. Believe it or not the statements could get even more phantasmagorical.

However, over the coming 2 years Uranus will reach his natal Jupiter – Neptune position. This is likely to lead to shocks – perhaps for him, perhaps for the country. Uranus may be the pin that pricks the booster bubble.  It is certainly not going to pass un-noticed. In a slightly longer time-frame Neptune moves into square with his Venus/Neptune and Pluto into a quincunx. Perhaps he loses the support of those close to him. 

By 2024 Pluto will square his Moon, I feel that by then he may be acting really quite irrationally as Uranus (accompanied by Jupiter in early 2024) will reach his progressed Jupiter /Ascendant opposition. Even for Boris that looks to be too extreme a configuration to escape lightly.  A radical change of fortune is likely.


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