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Nasdaq - then and now

Amanda Williams • October 9, 2021

Nasdaq – Are Neptunian dreams made of this?

Another episode in our Neptune season and we turn to the stock market – specifically, in this case, the Nasdaq.

While many market indices do move in tandem for much of the time, the interesting moments are when they diverge, either moving the same way but in different magnitudes because one is more sensitive than the other or, even more exciting, moving in opposing directions.

It therefore pays to not talk about “the markets” but to separate them out and consider each as a being on a separate trajectory. 

Unlike the Dow, which has its origins in the 1890s and mirrors the story of the Pluto Neptune cycle, the Nasdaq wasn’t born until 1971, a product of the technology developments that grew out of the Pluto Uranus conjunction of the 1960s, but it wasn’t born then. Oh, no, this baby waited for our favourite combination of planets: Neptune and Jupiter. From birth it had ideas well above its station, it would go big- very big!  

I like to use charts for the composition of the index rather than the First trade but both are valid. In this case I am using the chart for close of play on 5 Feb 1971.

So, this is not just about Jupiter and Neptune but Mars too ( of course it is-we’ve seen it time and again in this Neptune season).

Although, out of sign at 29 degrees Pluto remains in orb of a sextile with Neptune and Jupiter, and does the same with Mercury. Mars at 8 degrees Sagittarius ( oh yes, even BIGGER), helpfully pulls Uranus back into the picture too. 

The chart is not without its challenges though. Pluto is square the Moon and Venus – value is challenging. Saturn squares the Sun and is sesqui-quadrate Venus emphasising those difficulties.

There was not too much action in the early years. We should not be surprised to know that it took the Uranus/Neptune conjunction of the early 1990s to see it really taking off. Here is the chart for that conjunction

Loving the Mars showing once again. This time Mars is sextile the conjunction, and the MC of the moment is almost exactly the position of the Nasdaq progressed Mars.

We would expect the Neptune Jupiter conjunction of its birth o be highlighted and surw enough the progressed MC in quincunx it. The Node conjoins it and progressed Mercury is square.

There is plenty more happening and we can also see what is in the pipeline. Pluto will cross the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction releasing its potential in the coming years and Neptune and Uranus will move over the Descendant (as will the progressed Venus) radically increasing visibility.

Let’s look at the peak on 10 March 2000. I don’t have a time for this so it is set for the peak close at 16.00 e.s.t.

We can see immediately a number of things:

Transiting Jupiter is square Neptune – indication of a peak but not in of itself indication of falls to come. However, Pluto has past the Neptune-Jupiter-Mars conjunction and is finishing its business with a sextile to Uranus. It will over the next few years square progressed Sun/Mercury and quincunx Saturn a less happy state of affairs.

Neptune has passed Progressed Venus and is completing its sextile to the Neptune-Jupiter. Passing Venus means that Venus ( value) is more likely to be realistic than previously.

Uranus, after transiting the natal Sun has now crossed the progressed Descendant axis- time for a shock. 

We also see that the Index has reached its Saturn return- always a sign that it is necessary to inject a bit of adult sense into things. The moon on that day has activated the Saturn.

There is plenty here to dampen the mood over the coming days, weeks and months and even years.

Indeed even in 2007/8 before the financial crisis the index had failed to recover much of its glory. The crisis made sure that it stood no chance of doing so for a while

Our next chart is for the March 2009 low.

We can note immediately that the progressed MC which has trundled over Saturn and is now at progressed Saturn will gain its freedom over the coming year. Transiting Saturn is trine it and with the opposition to the transiting Sun perhaps also indicating that things will now move on.

Uranus is approaching a conjunction with Progressed Sun- an indication that change if not surprise is in store. Though this is likely to play out in a mixed way for a few years as the progressed Sun opposes Pluto.

Transiting Pluto itself has more or less finished its transit of Mars, though it is holding on to a square with progressed Mercury for a little while longer.

More interesting is Neptune ( conjunct what I am rapidly concluding is his secret best friend Mars) on the progressed Descendant. Neptune is no longer in the dark, and with Jupiter going to conjoin it very soon there is the opportunity for more delusional forces to kick in and kick out the pessimistic ones.

There is plenty in the chart to indicate the end of harsher conditions and the beginning of more upbeat ones even though there will be a cardinal cross for the next few years. My forecasts for 2008-12 and 2013-2016 addressed this at the time.

Our next chart is set for the date when the Nasdaq finally reached its 2000 peak again in April 2015.

Relative to the earlier charts, this is dull. Why? Because it is not in itself a turning point. Saturn is creating a negative influence on the Neptune-Jupiter conjunction , but the progressed Sun has moved on from its opposition to Pluto and will now trine the conjunction over the coming few years. The cardinal cross is waning and we have Mars – Mercury conjunct Saturn making for the big announcement that things have recovered. 

After this the next key event was the Covid shock in March 2020 (when the Saturn Pluto conjunction sat on the Descendant). I wrote in my 2020 blog forecast (written in 2016) that “February and March….. there is uncertainty that increases the rate of changes. However, there is also huge external pressure. Although the signs are not all bad, I think this will result in some significant selling.” For April I wrote “ April is a key turning point in sentiment. Any movements in value will be huge and trade will continue to be high volume and erratic.”. I think there is no need for me to expand further.

But, with the exception of that Covid shock in March 2020 the index has been a blast. Especially in 2020-21.

We know we are in the approaching sextiles of Neptune and Uranus, of Pluto and Uranus and the final Neptune Pluto. Indeed in August 2026 all three outer planets are in aspect to the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction. We also know there will be a super bubbly Neptune Jupiter conjunction in Pisces next April. Won’t all that just mean the bubble ( and it really is a bubble now) will get even bigger?

Obviously this is not the place for long term forecasts- if you are interested see Services.

However, my outline forecast (unpublished) for 2021 had the index reach a peak by the end of July, though this is within the bounds of time orb for a broad trend forecast. Let’s look at what, at the moment, seems to be the peak on September 7 2021. 

We can see the usual subjects being activated.

The bubble is clearly being caused by the combination of the node and progressed Ascendant which are opposite and square the Jupiter Neptune conjunction. Jupiter conjunct the natal node creates our favourite double whammy.  Saturn although at 7 degrees is making as favourable an aspect as it could while not encouraging too much over enthusiasm.

But we can also see a lot of change in this chart. The progressed Mc changed signs in May, and the progressed Moon in early September. Uranus will by mid 2022 reach natal Saturn – that is unlikely to go un-noticed. And then we have Pluto which will cross the Descendant again in early 2022.

We may not have reached peak Nasdaq but we have probably  passed peak sanity. I am concerned about events in April 2022 though the Nasdaq is not the main focus of those events.  Inflationary factors will dominate and may take some time (even years) to affect the fundamentals of the index, but affect it they will.

So, just for fun, and with no commentary here’s that point in August 2026

Nasdaq composite foundation time ( close of business time).  A brief history of trading hours on Wall Street - MarketWatch


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