The astrology has been difficult for me lately, but I am hoping to post a little more from now on.
One of the companies I’ve been following this year is NVIDIA, which is having a spectacular period. It is good to be looking at successes rather than failures. But, of course, what we want to know is can the trend continue?
Share price chart ( c. yahoo finance)
NVIDIA was founded in Sunnyvale, San Jose on 5 April 1993. And as such is a child of the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of the early 1990s. Transiting Uranus is trine this conjunction at the moment and will be joined by Jupiter next year. It is clearly a good time.
But we are more interested in the share price at the moment. The IPO happened on 22 January 1999 and we’ll set the chart for opening of the market at 9.30am EST.
One thing that stands out in his chart is the approaching progressed New Moon ( at 27 Aquarius) which will be exact in the coming month. It suggests the conclusion of a cycle and the beginning of a new one- though it says little about whether the future will be a success or not.
Looking at the big transits, We see that Neptune has been transiting the IPO Jupiter in the NAVIDIA first house. We know that Jupiter together with Neptune is indicative of bubbles and detachment from reality. Caution is therefore suggested. However perhaps we don’t have to worry just yet as over the coming couple of years Neptune will move from its conjunction with the natal Jupiter to one with the progressed Jupiter. Perhaps then the delusion can continue for a while yet.
Pluto is supporting the Neptune aspect by sextile. Reinforcing its power. However the progressed New Moon is on the transiting Pluto Neptune midpoint. So we should be aware that this might be a peak or turning point.
Pluto is also square the natal Mars and Saturn opposition. This is a curious one. On its own it can suggest difficulties and underlying challenges. It could imply that a transformation is taking place in the fundamental engineering of the organisation which will change its nature going forward, nevertheless, here we are talking about the shares not “reality” and therefore is more likely to suggest powerful forces are affecting trading and that again for me urges some caution.
Pluto will not return to this position again though so we can assume that most of its work has been done over the past few months.
Pluto will however move back into Aquarius in early 2024 and this is of much more significant. Because here it will conjoin the IPO natal Sun, Neptune conjunction which is incidentally sextile both the natal Moon and the progressed Jupiter. It is likely that the shares will undergo continued huges changes over the next couple of years. On balance that is likely to be positive due to the influence of Jupiter but Pluto conjunct Neptune might puncture any bubbles. It might also imply change of leadership or identity for the company. I would consider this a big risk in a organisation that was not doing as well, here I would anticipate mergers or acquisitions- or big share splits.
Another upside has been the sextile between transiting Uranus and the natal Ascendant and Venus ( and a trien between Uranus and the natal Mercury) . This will continue for the coming year and culminates with the Uranus – Jupiter transiting conjunction in April 2024. Uranus is surprises and Venus relates to value so it is difficult to see the potential for much downside between now and then. The last couple of weeks have seen a double whammy as transiting retrograde Venus opposes the natal Uranus too.
I do feel that the approaching Full Moon tomorrow and the progressed New Moon in September together with the retrograding of transiting Mercury over the descendant might suggest a bit of a pull back in the coming weeks. Further emphasized by transiting Venus ending its opposition with the natal Uranus as it starts to move forward again.
So don’t buy now, but consider it in late 2023 early 2024 before the big conjunction.
However, that conjunction could mean all bets are off financially so perhaps be prepared for big swings by April 2024 and maybe take profits before things deteriorate.
And although there are still a lot of positives for NVIDIA shares into 2025, we should also note that by March 2025 Saturn will cross the NVIDIA ascendant as well as the Jupiter and progressed Venus (and square the Midheaven). That has the potential to end the party.
That’s enough for now, but perhaps a look at the 1993 fundamentals chart is in order before 2024