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Amanda Williams • August 7, 2023

The astrology of the joint effect of Barbie and Oppenheimer

This blog is designated an area for topical matters, and it doesn’t get more topical than the joint successful movie promotion of Barbie and Oppenheimer.

But sometimes when we astrologers look at a chart or planetary symbol, we invoke the energies of that chart or symbol. The delay in my posting of this analysis is due to exactly that. I won’t go into the details but suffice to say, the last 10 days has been as extraordinarily difficult for me as it has been successful for the movie combination.

So, with that in mind, let’s get back to the basics.

Here is the chart for Barbie’s official birthday (her launch at a toy show on 9 March 1959). Data from

 And here is the birthchart for Oppenheimer 22 April 1904 at 8.15a.m., also from

I don’t propose to analyse the birth charts themselves. That has been done elsewhere. I am more interested in the phenomenon that has been created this month. I will therefore look at the transits to both charts, at the launches and on the release date as well as taking a peak at the composite chart on that release date.

Barbie launch took place in LA on 9th July from 5pm PDT. I’ve used NY at 7pm EST in line with the birth location

We can see the focus on the Barbie birthchart with the transiting Sun conjoining both the progressed Mars ( Mars rises in the birthchart) and the progressed Moon as well as trining the natal Sun. I’ve said it before many times and I’ll say it again, where there is Mars there is lots and lots of activity. Usually in my charts that refers to trading, but here it is directed to social media and general interest.

The conjunction is further emphasised by the conjunction of the transiting Moon and natal Venus as well as the progressed MC of the Barbie chart which is square the progressed Mars conjunction.

We also note that transiting Mars itself is approaching a conjunction with the Barbie Pluto, suggesting we are on the brink of releasing a big force when Mars changes signs, further confirmed by a quincunx to the transiting Pluto.  And as if that weren’t enough progressed Venus is sextile the Barbie Pluto- this is girl power personified.

I should note here, that although transiting Venus is approaching Mars too, it will not perfect as it is about to turn retrograde.  

Another factors that should make us sit up and take notice is the conjunction of transiting Uranus with the progressed Barbie Sun, it is perhaps a little late ( at 22 rather than 21 degrees) but certainly can’t be ignored.

Stability and integrity is assured by the Saturn sextile Saturn though this is no-where near the most important factor in the chart. More important is the trine of Saturn to Neptune. A Neptune which is on the transiting MC at the time of the launch.

That alone indicates a movie phenomenon that may disproportionately take off, but when we couple it with the fact that  transiting Neptune is trine the progressed Jupiter we have the stuff that dreams are made of. That they form a grand trine with transiting Mercury just shows how the social media campaign is going to take off. The fact that progressed Mercury is trine the natal Pluto and quincunx its Jupiter is the final sign that something dramatic is happening.

The preview of Oppenheimer took place in Paris on 11 July ( in the evening). I have assumed it started at 5pm as for Barbie and again relocated the transits to NY at 10 EST but we should treat this time with more caution.

Obviously as the premier of Oppenheimer took place just 2 days later, most of the planets have moved very little. We have a different Moon and, of course, different angles. But 1904 is quite a different animal to 1959 so we could in theory expect a completely different outcome.

But naturally astrology will have something to say about that!

We’ll start with Mars. Transiting Mars, now at 0 degrees Virgo is once again a busy little bee. It is trine Oppenheimer’s Sun and progressed Jupiter (along with the transiting Node). It seems that there is going to be quite a bit of fuss about Mr Oppenheimer’s story. That this is likely to make it again to social media in a massive wave is indicated by the square to the natal Sun from the progressed Mars and transiting Mercury opposite transiting Pluto.

This is particularly interesting, because it is a square. Normally a square might mean that a competing film would bury a movie with this configuration but in this case they harnessed the square and made the competition part of the campaign – it is genius, although probably accidental genius as I doubt they expected quite such success.

But in any case, if we had any doubt that this was going to be all the rage, transiting Jupiter is conjoining Oppenheimer’s Mars.

We also see that this time Uranus is conjunct the Oppenheimer natal Mercury, ( and sextile its Moon) further confirmation, if we needed it that a media storm is brewing. ( We can note that the Oppenheimer Mercury is exactly conjunct the Barbie progressed Sun throughout 2023, tying them together in the Uranus transit). Since Uranus will be conjoined by Jupiter at the same degree in early 2024, awards season looks like it will be fun and rewarding.

But what about Neptune? Surely if astrology is consistent it will show up in this movie premier too?


It does. Transiting Neptune is opposite Oppenheimer’s progressed Ascendant and square his progressed MC and square his progressed Uranus. If the time is exact then it is also square the Ascendant of the premier itself. That is pretty damn convincing.

Finally we see that transiting Venus is conjunct Oppenheimer’s progressed Sun ( itself trine his own Uranus).   He is literally about to be highlighted by a female “goddess.” 

This is why I love astrology. We start with a completely different chart to Barbie but so many themes repeat.

Nevertheless, what we really want to look at is the combined effect. And for that I have chosen the general release day of 21 July 2023. I don’t have a time but have used midnight in New York ( we won’t put too much emphasis on the transiting angles because of this uncertainty).  

This is as expected a fascinating chart.

When commenting on the phenomenon in non- astrological circles I have suggested that Oppenheimer gives an insight into the first half of the 20th century and Barbie into the subsequent decades. If this is true we would expect to see clear strong emphasis on the outer planetary cycles.

Let’s look at the basic composite chart and the progressions first. The Sun is conjunct Venus and sextile Jupiter. That is positive but not ground-breaking. It is also square the progressed Sun and Mercury conjunction.

The Moon, however, is conjunct Mars and sextile Pluto as well as the progressed MC (the point of public image and external focus). And this conjunction is sextile the progressed Mars and Pluto. This Mars Pluto connection is extraordinarily powerful. Coupled with the Moon and MC it is exceptional.

Note how the male and female elements combine in both conjunctions and note how the first conjunction says something about the nature of Barbie and the second about Oppenheimer.

We see also that the composite Pluto is opposite the composite Saturn and square the composite Mercury. This is a very dark aspect – reflecting the Oppenheimer association with death and destruction. It is unfortunately the aspect I managed to harness when I sat down to do my analysis.  (RIP my beloved little ginger boy; I did not intend to become a destroyer of your world)

So next we turn to the transits on the day of the release. Uranus is conjunct the progressed MC – suggesting a dramatic effect. It is also given further impetus by its quincunx to the composite Uranus. Although, of course, this aspect is a longer term one of weeks or months so we must look for a daily aspect to trigger it.

Transiting Pluto is close to conjunction with the composite Saturn and this opposes its natal position. This is particularly interesting for me as it confirms my view that we are looking at a reflection of the evolution of 20th Century history.

Transiting Neptune is also tapping into this configuration. At 27 degrees it is sextile the composite Saturn, trine its Pluto and sextile that all important Mars. Indeed that Neptune sextile to the composite Mars says everything we need to know about the hype that is to characterize the release of this pair of films. But Neptune like Uranus is slow moving, we can’t credit it alone with the feel of 21st July.  

The key though is the transiting Sun, sextile the Composite Mars, conjunct its Pluto and opposing its Saturn and trine the transiting Neptune.

That is really all we need but the Universe is ever generous and gives us more. A transiting conjunction of Mars and the Moon (opposite transiting Saturn) which is conjunct the composite Neptune.  You will have grasped that Mars is going to pump up the volume of excitement and that the Moon can be attributed to the public mood and that Neptune is the embodiment of movies and hype. Saturn perhaps could dampen the ardor but because the 2 films are set as a tongue in cheek battle, and we already have one configuration giving us the right mix,  it just contributes a more concrete result to the impact.

Jackpot. As i am sure the producers are saying


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