So summer is over and we are back to our regular slot
No I know you must be all waiting eagerly for more on the UK! But I’m going to keep you in suspense a little longer with a recap of some of the other events of September.
Let us start with the Pakistan floods
The floods started in June and got steadily worse. I’ve set the chart for 25 August the date that the government declared a state of emergency.
This is our second visit to Pakistan this year. We looked at the change of leadership earlier when I pointed out that
the background conditions for the people aren’t great with Pluto opposing the country’s Moon.
That aspect remains in place all year.
I also noticed that by April Saturn reaches its opposition to the conjunction of progressed Saturn and the natal Sun.
This has once again been activated over the summer as a retrograde Saturn moves slowly back over this position.
My forecast for the period to August was not therefore positive and this is not surprising when we look at the chart above.
The first thing we note is that Uranus is close to the Ascendant. Not surprising then that Pakistan would be in the news with shocking events. We can also add that in early August this point saw the conjunction of the North Node,( the point of this year’s eclipses), Mars and Uranus. A very challenging picture indeed.
This is not the whole picture though. Uranus also opposes the natal Jupiter and the progressed Venus on the Descendant – so the country needed overseas aid more than ever.
But it is transiting Jupiter opposing Neptune that indicates the nature of the problem. Pakistan’s Neptune is on the cusp of its 6th house, water is a problem built into the general environment. With Jupiter in opposition that problem will inevitably escalate.
The fact that transiting Neptune is approaching a square to the country’s Uranus ties all these aspects together.
The fact that earlier this year the progressed Mars and Jupiter quincunx was exact and activated by both Jupiter as it transits between Pisces and Aries and Mars as it moved into Gemini on 20th August really only goes to reinforce the wider picture.
All this together with the promise of ongoing challenges for the leadership with the progressed Sun square the MC.
So it comes as no surprise to finally note that in August the progressed Moon has reached 21 degrees of Aries and that on the day that the state of emergency was declared the transiting Moon is opposing Saturn at 21 Leo/Aquarius.
It seems as if there is less confusion in the coming three months but that there may be more dissent amongst the people. Not entirely surprising given the tough conditions of this summer. Look out for the eclipse on 8th November.