I thought I’d turn back to the UK chart for this post, there is certainly enough happening to merit another look. Here is the chart for today, though in this case we are looking at the bigger picture not the exact moment.
The first thing that stands out is the Jupiter transiting the Descendant. This is playing out in a number of ways including the leadership contest for PM (the opposition to the status quo of the ascendant), the actual PMs summer spent out of the country (other nations) and the increase in strikes etc (again, the opposition). I also think that this aspect is contributing to the ongoing drought situation ( though there are other planetary players in this too). The fact that the overseas situation in Europe due to the Ukraine invasion is partially contributing to the country’s problems is also indicated by this aspect.
But I don’t believe that it is that aspect which is directly dominating the news now. Far more important to the future of the country are the inflationary pressures, the energy costs and the water industry issues. And for that I think we need to turn first to Uranus stationed at 18 Taurus opposing the UK Neptune. We have already talked in the gas post last September about the importance of Neptune in UK gas charts and in June mentioned it has a relationship to the NHS too. It is obviously also important for finances, both directly in relation to currency issues and in its position in the 2md house of resources. Neptune also has naturally a relationship to our seas. The fact that Uranus remains in an ongoing square with transiting Saturn, which will also station ( in October November) at 18 degrees, is further confirmation that this is where our current problems are reflected.
The progressed Sun, indicative of our leadership is at 17 Leo and thus also approaching a square to the natal Neptune. Obviously, as we discussed in early July, we have a bit of a leadership issue at the present. This configuration does not suggest easy resolution. The fact that Uranus does not finally leave 18 degrees until April of next year ( and will return to 19 degrees at the end of 2023) is further confirmation that we are not looking at transitory problems. The specific issues of the moment may eventually subside, but we have a much longer issue approaching in the form of progressed Jupiter which will gradually perfect its square with Neptune over the coming years. That is not indicative of financial stability and is more likely an indication of much greater inflationary problems. Uranus may have brought the initial shocks but progressed Jupiter will be the one to pick up the themes for the decades.
While it is the UK Neptune which is reflecting the major issues at the moment, we also cannot ignore the less obvious but more insidious impact of Pluto quincunx Saturn (as ever ably supported by the ongoing Neptune sextile). With Pluto continuing in the 4th house, the slow destruction of the institutions that underpin the country are highlighted. This will lead to big shake ups in the spring of 2024 in government and other structures and in 2025 and beyond as Pluto opposes the country’s Jupiter. The challenges reflected in the focus on the Neptune matters are symptoms, addressing the underlying issues is the story of the coming years.