The trajectory of Tesla’s share price is extraordinary. First listed at around $17 (equivalent to under $4 when adjusted for splits), it rose significantly but gradually to reach around $90 at the end of 2019, approximately a 25 times increase over 10 years. It then rose in 2020-21 by another 10 times the 2019 price to $1249 on 4 November 2021. Overall over 300 times increase- not a bad return really!
But what we are interested in is the astrology of that meteoric rise and, of course, the multi-billion dollar question – has the share peaked or is there more to come?
As usual we have more than one chart to choose from. In this case we have a fairly valid foundation chart- as the Incorporation coincided with the coming together of the investors in 2003. We don’t have a date for the inception of the plan to create the business but this incorporation chart looks pretty solid.
We also obviously have the IPO chart from June 2009. As we can deduce that whatever the long term prognosis for the business is, the current price is highly speculative; the IPO chart can be expected to show all sorts of interesting factors by itself.
We will look at both.
Tesla’s foundation/incorporation (hereafter “Tesla”) chart has some interesting aspects, not least a tight trine between Pluto and Jupiter. This aspect correlates highly with big money. But we should be aware that while the aspect is positive, later hard transits can also mean the “higher they climb the further they fall” We will see whether any of these might be coming up. The caution we should approach the business with is further emphasised by the Neptune –Jupiter opposition, our favourite big bubble or excess inflation configuration. The chart has Venus conjunct the MC – indicative that we have something that may be found attractive.
The chart does also contains a beautifully descriptive aspect for the business; a conjunction of Uranus and Mars trine Saturn Mercury and the Sun. With Uranus representing new technologies, Mars and Mercury, cars and Mercury with Uranus electricity, added with Saturn (both production and conservation of energy), it really speaks for itself . Unsurprisingly both the Ascendant and MC are mercury ruled too, although that does not really suggest the significance of the branding that will emerge.
But the chart also contains some anomalies. Other than a semi-square between Jupiter and Saturn/Mercury there is little connection between the money and the activity. Tesla doesn’t make money from its activities; it makes it from issuing stock etc.
Then we note the Moon. It does aspect Uranus (via a 150 degree quincunx) and Pluto (a sesquiquadrate 135 degrees) but neither aspect are especially integrated with the activities. Perhaps describing the attitudes of the public to the products and to the shares.
The Tesla IPO chart (hereafter “ IPO”), is very different. For a start there is almost a grand cross (indeed it is the Cardinal Cross of the period 2010-13) involving a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and the Sun/Mercury. The IPO thus taps into the mood of the Cardinal cross, when there was cynicism about the old financial ways and increased liquidity from quantitative easing as well as the birth of Bitcoin and the beginnings of the real recovery in the tech stocks after the crash of 2000 followed by the overall market shock of 2008-9.
In this case it is worth noting that we still have Pluto in aspect to Jupiter, but now it is square- making the likelihood of later negative events more probable.
Venus, now the ruler of the MC so still indicating attractiveness, is opposite the Moon, suggesting extremes of emotion. Venus ties into the Cross via two sesquiquadrates. It really is all about the big values in this chart.
The other two things worth noticing are the extravagant Leo Ascendant – a major shift from the Tesla considered Virgo one and the position of Neptune on the Descendant suggesting possible deception or at least self-delusion by “others” be they customers, shareholders or media etc.
So, having identified the themes, it is time to look at where the charts are now (or rather up to 4th November 2021 the date of the peak so far).
Let’s deal with the Tesla chart first
We can look at what has evolved over the nearly 12 years since the IPO. We know that we are in a number of waxing (outgoing) aspects; Neptune and Uranus are in an approaching first sextile, Pluto and Uranus in an approaching trine.
We note that progressed Mars has been approaching a trine to the progressed Sun all that time. It will be interesting to see what happens as it starts to separate.
During 2020 and much of 2021 Uranus has been sextile the Uranus/Mars and Saturn/Mercury conjunctions, that is likely to have resulted in positive surprises. Again from 2022 Uranus will move away and indeed reach Pluto and Jupiter, which will definitely be interesting. It isn’t a negative aspect so some upside is suggested by that on its own.
In 2020 we saw the Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction oppose the progressed Sun but it was also trine the Ascendant and Node- so the picture was mixed and more than offset in the medium term by the other configurations such as Jupiter crossing that 12 degree point conjoining with the tesla Neptune- the classic bubble picture.
Also during 2020 and 21 Neptune was square the Tesla Pluto and quincunx its Jupiter, the combination can definitely indicate over optimism and delusion. Soon Neptune will cross the Ascendant and Mc axes, and this may create a turning point in sentiment- though it is unlikely to lead to clarity.
Looking at November 2021, we see that Jupiter has now passed opposition to progressed Jupiter, also suggesting the peak of a cycle.
We also note that there is a grand cross involving a mix of transits, natal and progressed planets: natal Neptune at 12 Aquarius, opposite progressed Mercury in Leo and square the opposition between Uranus and the New moon on the 4th which has triggered the configuration. The progressed Moon is also at 12 degrees and the progressed MC at 11 degrees. It is not surprising then that this represents a peak. But is it THE PEAK?
Perhaps significantly Saturn was making no major hard aspects so there were no real challenges at that point. Since November 4th, Saturn has been slowly approaching 12 degrees, dragging the mood down. Pluto has also been approaching an opposition to the progressed Sun, another harsh influence- shades of early 2020. But these shall pass.
In summary then the peak is clear and there is enough to suggest the current lull in price but with both Neptune and Uranus moving to key spots by mid 2022 we can’t be sure it is all over yet.
However more important for the share price is surely the IPO chart.
Turning first to progressed Venus, we see it crossed over the Ascendant in 2017 and has changed signs in 2021. More importantly it has been opposing Neptune for the last few years, suggesting values that may have diverged from reality. However Venus is now in a quincunx relationship with the IPO Uranus- a reliable indicator of sudden adjustments to value. Venus is also square the progressed MC (less obvious as that is at 29 degrees). And that progressed MC is trine the IPO Saturn another sign of shifting sands.
One of the things that stands out is the position of Neptune in the chart, close to the Descendant. And, looking back, again, at the last decade we see that during that time it has moved through the 7th house, but in 2021 it is now firmly in the 8th, and we may expect some changes in the financial position from that. But in November 2021 Neptune is not making lots of close aspects ( though it is about to semi-square the IPO Pluto position and can explain the trend since 4th November), so it alone is not likely to be the culprit here.
On the other hand, we can see that over the decade Mars has moved from 12 degrees to 18 degrees where it is now trine the MC. Since it will move on to Saturn over the next decade we probably can’t expect the good times to continue. In addition to all that Saturn has been stationed quincunx the Sun and progressed Moon, enough to create a wider environment of questions, in this case over the leadership perhaps. Nevertheless we still need more to pop a bubble.
Unsurprisingly we find it.
In 2021 the Progressed Ascendant has moved to 3 degrees of Virgo – where it is trine Progressed Pluto but quincunx progressed Jupiter. On November 4th we can see that transiting Mars has reached 3 degrees of Scorpio, and although it is sextile the Pluto and Ascendant positions, interesting but not necessarily terrible, it is quincunx Jupiter, a sign that adjustments in expectations are needed.
Less obvious is the semi-square between transiting Mercury and the progressed Mars ( we also have a sesquiquadrate between progressed sun and progressed Jupiter). We know Mars is one of the most reliable triggers to wider configurations so it is not surprising that everything would come to a head at that point and this is heightened because of that Mercury at 27 Libra.
As already mentioned the day saw a new Moon at 12 Scorpio opposite transiting Uranus. Mars in the IPO chart is at 12 Virgo and the node at 12 Capricorn- indicative of a critical point, but far more importantly the IPO Moon is at 12 Aquarius square the Uranus/New Moon opposition. Nothing does shock to the system (in this case the retail shareholders) quite like that opposition. We were at a top so not all the aspects are necessarily bad but inevitably show that sudden change is in the air.
The combination of the Mars and New Moon configurations on the same day is more than enough to shake the tree.
Looking forward we see that Jupiter has now crossed the Descendant in December and will soon reach Neptune – a useful indicator of what we may see when Jupiter and Neptune meet by transit in April 2022. We also see that during the next year Uranus will cross the MC – expect high drama when this happens, not least because the progressed MC will sextile the IPO Uranus at about the same time. A double whammy of the whammiest configuration. Don’t you just love astrological insights?
I also thought that it might be interesting to take a very brief look at Elon Musk’s chart especially given his starring role as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. There is no known birth time so I’ve invented one and relocated the chart to California. So angles etc. should be ignored
It is completely unsurprising to see that the chart has a Jupiter Neptune conjunction (and obviously sextile Pluto), and opposite Saturn, pretty much the characteristics of many markets/currencies etc. as this is someone who is clearly tapping into the zeitgeist.
That Jupiter is currently square his Jupiter is equally unsurprising for someone designated person of the year. That it is sextile my completely invented progressed MC is rather spooky as it sums things up pretty well!
There will be plenty to follow in Musk’s life as Pluto moves to trine his Pluto and sextile Neptune/Jupiter, followed by Neptune opposite Pluto and Uranus square Mars over the coming few years.