Just a very quick look at something more serious; the assassination of Shinzo Abe the previous leader of Japan.
Unlike the UK charts we are not looking for an aspect to the Sun, as he was no longer the country leader. But we are looking for something dramatic.
But we can see immediately that it is Uranus at work again. This time it is conjunct the Ascendant and progressed Venus. Shining a sudden light on the country and someone mostly respected.
It is also interesting to note that Japan are reporting that there were flaws in Abe’s security, Venus being representative of security too.
Other things to note are the sextile between Mars and the progressed Mars, enabling violence and the conjunction between Neptune and the Japan natal Mars, indicating the underhand nature of the attack.
I looked back to see what my forecast was for Japan at this time and it did include a reference to this aspect though other than suggesting a sudden shock I did not explore it further.
Our thought are with Japan and with his family.
Approx Time from
Shinzo Abe attacked: World saddened and shocked by shooting of Japan's former PM (republicworld.com)