Following on from my last post about the Boris crisis, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the Conservative party chart too.
Now the party has a long history, dating back to 1600s when the name Tory was an insult. In 1834 a more modern party was founded but we don’t have a date for this. We do have a date for the merger with the Unionists in 1912 and so that is the chart we will seek to analyse here. In the absence of a time for the meeting that agreed the merger, I am using noon.
Immediately we see that Uranus, a clear player in the UK chart’s picture, is also key here. It is exactly conjunct the Conservative ( leader) Sun. What a surprise! As I mentioned in that report there is no more reliable significator of the sudden change of leadership than a Uranus transit to the Sun.
The fact that the Progressed Moon will oppose the progressed Sun over the coming month makes for an exciting outlook. That the progressed Sun is in square to the progressed Saturn at 3 Gemini is confirmation that we have a major challenge going on. The fact that the foundation Uranus is also at 3 degrees Transiting Mars is activating that opposition at the moment ( as well as conjoining the foundation Venus, giving us a taster of what is to come) is quite incredible. One of the best examples of astrology in action I’ve seen for a while.
We could stop there, but let’s look what else has been going on and what is in the pipeline.
Starting again with transiting Pluto, we see that it is quincunx the Foundation Pluto. It will shortly quincunx the progressed Pluto and the Ascendant and then it will reach Uranus. Frankly given the current trends and situation I would not expect the party to exist in the same form after that transit which will take place in 2023-2026.
Neptune has been more moderating until now, in a trine with its natal position, but it is will go on to square that foundation Pluto in the next few years and t oppose the progressed Mars. That will not be so moderate!!!
Uranus, as well as conjoining the Sun is sextile the foundation Mars, trine the progressed Venus and square the Moon. That is pretty dramatic and indicative of the major divisions. Uranus will become exact in these other aspects as well as to the Noon chart Midheaven in the next month ( at the same time as the moon progression noted above). It appears the drama has only just begun. After the Midheaven Uranus will cross the foundation Saturn – a split is possible though the natal Neptune sextile may give some protection. However in 2024 Jupiter will conjoin Uranus on the natal Saturn that is going to be something to behold.
Saturn at 24 Aquarius is in opposition to the progressed Mercury and quincunx the progressed Neptune (as well as sextile the foundation mercury). Karma is confronting the lies and dissembling of the last few years. Saturn is also close to a square with its own position representing challenges in general.
A final word about the upcoming Full Moon at 21 Cancer/Capricorn. This is conjunct the foundation Neptune. No wonder all the deception and superficial slogans are under the spotlight. Am looking forward to the next full Moon in Leo square the Sun/Mc etc. This is great stuff and is worth following for the beauty of the astrology alone.