Although I don’t usually do forecasts on this blog, I decided to make a special case for the USA due to the significance of its 2022 configurations and specifically the Pluto return position of 27 degrees Capricorn ( and 29 the progressed Pluto) which is reactivating many of the conditions of the country’s “birth” through independence in 1776.
The good news is that the conjunctions of Neptune and Jupiter and Saturn and Mars described in my previous post are not at or around 27-29 degrees, the degrees not just of Pluto but of the natal Moon in Aquarius which will also have its return around October. It is not a coincidence these two returns appear in the same year – the cycle of Pluto is almost exactly the same as the cycle of 9 full moon cycles.
The bad news is that the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is almost exactly opposite the US Neptune and square its Mars. That means that the Saturn Mars conjunction is also quincunx the natal Neptune though it is only in trine to the natal Mars (I say only as with two malefics a trine does not necessarily mean wine and roses).
Other aspects the conjunctions make include a conjunction of Saturn/Mars with both the progressed Mercury and Moon and a trine of Neptune/Jupiter with the natal Mercury.
That is without taking into account 45 degree aspects. The latter haul in the 1776 Uranus as well as the progressed Ascendant. We can be sure that the events around April and beyond are going to impact the USA.
And, although at first look it is a relief to see they don’t pick up the Pluto return, I am afraid that may not be such a positive after all, as it means the issues will not be confined to politics and will likely affect the economic position too.
In any case it would be wrong to think that matters pertaining to Pluto are not related at all to those pertaining to Neptune. The 1776 chart has a broad trine between the two planets ( part of the reason that the US has benefited so much during the Pluto/Neptune sextile of the last 70+ years).
What may not be so apparent to those within the country is that the economic policies that have been pursued over the last century or more are significant contributors to the political divisions that have been evidenced in the last few years. It is the reliance on simple neo-classical economics and related monetary policy, not to mention unfettered capitalism leading to offshoring of jobs and employment insecurities that has mean that the wealth of the nation has not become distributed in ways which support the American Dream for the majority of Americans.
That is likely to become even more significant during the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction and unfortunately the results of those policies are going to manifest over the coming years. There is no escape.
Going back to the Pluto return itself. We have already seen some of the manifestations of this in the events of January 6th 2021. At that point Mars was exactly square the country’s progressed Pluto producing its infamous triggering effect.
The influence of the progressed Ascendant square the 1776 Uranus contributing to unrest and rebellion cannot also be ignored and that will remain in force through 2022. Remember that by 45 aspect it is picked up in April. Expect shocks with Uranus.
Pluto itself though is likely to be triggered again by Mars and the other inner planets.
Some dates for consideration: