Yay, we’re back. The deal is on. Probably. Possibly. Twitter shares were suspended just after midday EDT (11am EST). Above is the trading chart. Below is the latest astrology chart.
Remember earlier in the year when we looked at the story of Musk’s offer, we saw how progressed Venus crossed the Ascendant, conjoined Pluto and was activated by other transiting planets.
Well, that Venus is being activated again. The Sun at 11 Libra is square the Twitter progressed Venus, transiting Venus is approaching it. My guess would be that the letter was drafted when the Sun was at 10 degrees yesterday (3rd). However progressed Venus will not make an exact conjunction with the natal Moon until next June, so unless there are lots more activating transits the story may not yet be complete.
At the time of today’s announcement (it was around 12pm when the shares started to rise) the transiting MC shifted from Virgo into Libra and approached an opposition with Jupiter and square with the natal Venus as well as a semi sextile to the Twitter natal MC. It’s a big deal at a big price (inflated even – natal Neptune is quincunx).
Transiting Venus opposes the natal Uranus and will be exact on 5th. More fun to be had.
Looking further at the chart, we note that Neptune opposing Mercury (which went direct this week- prompting re-evaluation of the situation) is trine the progressed Sun. That’s quite positive for the owners and managers of Twitter I would say.
Pluto is not making any aspects closer than 2 degrees, but unsurprisingly for the sudden announcement Uranus is. It is trine the progressed Mars, indicating rapid trade but it is also trine the progressed Ascendant. It is only 2 degrees from the natal Jupiter too. Although this change of tack has come out of the blue it seems to be in the best interest of the stockholders at least. (we still haven’t looked at the company internally though).
Of course, wherever Uranus is at the moment, Saturn is hanging around in square aspect. It therefore makes a quincunx to the Mars and, bingo, the shares were suspended.
So where next?
Well obviously we need to keep an eye on Uranus and Saturn. Saturn will exactly quincunx the Twitter Jupiter by December but before that we have the eclipse on 8th November.
That actually takes place at 16 degrees and brings into play another element of the chart. Namely the natal Sun and progressed Saturn at 15 degrees which will be further highlighted as the progressed Moon moves to oppose them by the year end. That suggests something significant will happen in November-December. Either the deal completes or there is another stand-off.
I better not have any more popcorn though, I’m getting as podgy as Musk himself.