Unlike the Nasdaq, The Dow did make its 2022 low on 30 September. We can therefore expect that the chart will show more threats and less opportunities than the Nasdaq one.
One of the most striking elements is actually not the background picture but the trigger. The Sun on the 30 September was conjunct the progressed Sun in the Dow chart. Not surprising then we found ourselves with a key turning point.
But it isn’t the Sun that indicates lows ( it merely indicates where our attention will focus), for that we need to look at the usual suspects.
Let’s start with Pluto. Whereas for the Nasdaq it was the natal Descendant that was activated, here it is the progressed Ascendant. We can’t be surprised that the market is depressed or that this is acting in parallel to the Nasdaq. Pluto will continue to make this aspect until the end of 2025, we are most definitely not out of the woods with this one.
We can turn to Neptune next but the picture here is more muted. On the day Neptune was in opposition to transiting Mercury and square the Dow natal Mercury as well as quincunx the progressed Mercury. This is not good- news will be confusing, as will trade. But there is a lot going on around the 23rd degree that mitigates this. Neptune is sextile the natal Venus and has only recently been the natal Uranus. Indeed it has been playing a supportive role to values since early 2020. However, on the downside, Neptune is still square the progressed Mars and this is still pulling in the progressed Neptune. There is still uncertainty about fundamental values, especially in some sectors. Transiting Mars at 20 Gemini is accentuating this as it conjoins the natal Neptune. Vigorous trade is likely with that combination- but without any real feel for true value.
We can’t consider Neptune at the moment, without also addressing the Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter was conjunct the Dow Mars on 30 September. It says little about values, more about volume of trade which was certainly hectic towards close of market on 30th. The Dow Mars is well placed in the natal chart, trine Jupiter and trine the Moon. But it would be easy to miss the semi-sextile with Uranus and Saturn which are definitely contributing to the low on that day.
Knowing that, we turn to Uranus. With the chart angles at 16 and 19 degrees it is obvious going to be important. And we find a bit of a mixed bag again. Uranus is opposite the progressed MC but it hasn’t reached it or the chart Uranus yet. Saturn square the progressed MC is partly bridging that gap but it is probably only the transiting Mars that is really pulling it all together. That Saturn us quincunx the Dow MC will also have a chilling effect though not enough to get the credit for a real low. Of course the November eclipse will shake this up again in 4 weeks. The eclipse is at 16 degrees and is likely to really shake the fundamentals for a short while.
All this suggests it was a low but it is not a trend.
However Uranus will move to 20-22 degrees in 2023 and that is likely to create even more disruption. Progressed Venus will also change sign and the transiting Pluto square will catch it by May 2023. Combined with a quincunx to progressed Jupiter I would expect changes in constituents by then.
But it definitely isn’t the worst I’ve seen by a long stretch.