Well, no prizes for guessing my topic of this week. We are in Ukraine.
This is perhaps a hard one for me, as when I look at the summer 1991 chart I see so much of my life bound up in its threads. It is not just Ukraine who has seen glories and now wonders where things will go next and experiences a sense of loss for what could have been.
Perhaps in astrological terms this is inevitable we are after all just ending a Saturn return and moving into a new generation.
Anyway, enough sentimentality, let’s get down to the hard facts.
The chart, another new one for me, is again unchanged from N Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes.
You will notice that I have set the transits for 4 February. I read a non-astrological comment that sid that February 4th was the most likely date for an invasion, as I knew this was the day Mercury went direct, I thought it seemed appropriate. So here we go.
Not only has Ukraine recently passed its Saturn return (indeed its importance was underlined by the Jupiter Conjunction on its natal Saturn a year ago), but it will now follow this with a square between transiting Saturn and its natal Pluto in the next few weeks. If that was not enough, over the coming year or so Uranus will first cross the IC (base) of the chart, quincunx the progressed Mars and then later in the year oppose that Pluto. Uranus is a very disruptive influence- indeed perhaps better to have it coming from outside than be internal.
After that Pluto will move into Aquarius and conjunct the natal Saturn as well as quincunx the natal Sun. Pluto represents long term hard evolution and can be very destructive. What can be sure is that the events of late January are likely to be only the beginning of some challenges.
However we must be careful not to be over sensitive. The country has already, between 2012 and 2018. seen transiting Pluto cross its Ascendant,Uranus and Neptune followed by Saturn and had its progressed Ascendant square its natal Pluto in 2020/21. It has survived that, it can survive more.
It is also noteworthy that within 12 months the progressed Ascendant will have reached the Ukraine Moon. This certainly suggests that the people are going to be caught up in whatever follows but also in determining how it plays out. With Moon in Aquarius they are not going to give up their independence lightly.
We also can see another interesting factor in the progressed Sun. At Independence the Sun was at 0 Virgo. Thirty years later it changes signs. This is not the same as the sort of radical change that accompanies coups but it does suggest that the nature of the leader’s style will change for the next 30 years. Fortunately it is not especially badly aspected, with a trine to Saturn for the next two years. That suggests responsibility but by itself it doesn’t suggest drama. Whatever happens, things will look different for the next decades though.
However, there are other challenges to be found in the chart. Neptune, we know is soon to be joined by Jupiter at 23 Pisces, at the same time as Saturn joins Mars at around 22 Aquarius. Given that the Ukraine chart has progressed Mercury at 22 Virgo opposite that Neptune conjunction ( and Mars at 25- more of this later) as well as progressed Venus at 23 Leo ( the start of a key stellium), the period from February to April looks to be very interesting to say the least.
On the day I’ve chosen to set the chart ( 4th February) , we see that Mercury has gone direct at 24 Capricorn close to conjunction with Pluto. This is trine Mars, a positive for military might, but is also quincunx the chart Jupiter Mercury and Venus.
But we also note that transiting Mars, our trigger happy friend is right on the Ascendant of the Ukraine chart. Which is also very close to the chart Uranus too. This could indeed literally signify invasion, (though I would prefer the 7th house for that) or a spirited defence. We will see. If we are correct then it will be very easy to track the evolution of the conflict.
What we can note is that as well as Uranus transits over the next years and the Pluto transits that follow, we also see that Neptune will come to oppose the natal Mars in 2023, just as the progressed Mercury conjoins that Mars. Mars with Neptune tends to mean protracted fights without resolution or fights that go underground. Mercury will only reinforce that.
To summarise we have the following to look forward to:
2022 Uranus opposite Midheaven then Pluto
Saturn /Mars conjunct prog Ascendant and Moon
Neptune/Jupiter opposite prog Mercury
2023 Neptune opposes Mars and prog Mercury and quincunx Jupiter/Mercury stellium
Uranus square progressed Ascendant and Moon
2024 Pluto conjunct Saturn quincunx Sun
Uranus/Jupiter square Jupiter/Mercury, square progressed Ascendant, trine Mars
2025 Pluto trine progressed Sun
Neptune sextile Saturn
Uranus/Jupiter square Jupiter/Mercury, square progressed Ascendant, trine Mars (cont)
Switzerland it is most definitely not!
Note: Long term readers will know how consistently dull I find the Swiss chart. Nice for the Swiss but a bit of a chore for me as there is almost nothing dramatic to forecast.