Good day to you again.
Having looked at Credit Suisse yesterday, I now have a request to do the same for Deutsche Bank.
It has been somewhat easier to find the data for this, although there are therefore multiple possible charts. I am going to use 2- the initial foundation and the US listing.
Charts are set for the same time as Credit Suisse on NYSE
We’ll look at the foundation chart first.
Despite the fact that these two banks are being questioned in the same way at the moment, they are very different animals indeed.
And whereas with CS Neptune is causing big questions over the size and value of its portfolio, so the threat may be overdone at the moment, in DB the emphasis is elsewhere.
For a start its foundation includes a conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto and it is that that is highlighted now rather than the relationship between Jupiter and Neptune. This means that DB is fundamentally more about wealth management than credit. That doesn’t mean to say that both banks don’t do both, it merely means that they resonate to somewhat different conditions.
Transiting Neptune isn’t totally out of the picture here. It is making a square to the natal Saturn. This will certainly depress values and reflects a situation of inertia and lack of direction. The fact that transiting Mars will go on square this in the next few weeks and remain there for some time needs to be borne in mind.
But, far more dramatic is our old friend Uranus. It is conjunct the DB progressed Pluto. And, of course, Saturn is square that position. This is very challenging but Saturn will move away from this position in the next 2 months and although it won’t clear its square to progressed Venus until 2023, I don’t see this as being crunch time. Uranus is actually sextile the DB natal Uranus. So, the bank has a Pluto Uranus positive aspect built in which may enable it to weather this storm.
In addition, transiting Jupiter is making aspects to both the Sun and progressed Sun at the moment. Some focus on the leadership is inevitable. But there is enough support to save them
However, we have the eclipse to come in November and Uranus will not make its final pass to this point until May 2023, and even then we can’t be sure it won’t impact the company until it finishes its conjunction with Jupiter on the progressed Venus in April 2024. Especially as that will be quincunx the natal Saturn.
Furthermore, we have something else to look out for. Pluto will transit the DB incorporation midheaven in 2023-24. But not just that, it will trine the progressed Ascendant and quincunx the progressed MC at the same time. By 2026 it conjoins the DB Sun for the first time ever.
In conclusion then, I am not convinced that now is the time of crisis for this bank, although some difficulties will continue for at least 6 months. I would be more worried about the longer term.
With that in mind we will turn to the stock market chart to see if it confirms our expectation.
Being listed in October 2001, of course gives this chart a Pluto Saturn opposition. It will always resonate to that cycle even when those planets are at other degrees. It will have had a tough time in 2020-21. But that should be less critical now.
Our gaze is directed elsewhere. Back to Uranus once more. And here we have all the conditions for some drama. DB’s listing on NYSE has Uranus at the IC. That is probably never going to be an easy ride, unless you are a disruptive tech company. For a bank it is a little bit concerning. At the moment that concern is heightened by a square to the MC/IC axis from transiting Uranus and a conjunction with Saturn. Only a trine from Mars turns it around. No wonder they have been in the news.
However there is some saving grace in the fact that the natal Moon is sextile Uranus in the flotation chart- the shares have support from the public.
Although as we have said before Uranus will take some time to complete its square, I have seen worse than this and feel that the next few months may be difficult with possibly even a new low coinciding with the time around the eclipse in early November, but that we aren’t looking at a complete meltdown. Some of the current weakness may be down to the conjunction this month between the progressed Moon and Neptune. Indeed it was close to an opposition with the transiting MC at 9.30EST on 3rd when we were close to the low. But that will pass and it will be 12 months before it reaches the IC.
There are other factors to consider though. Pluto is currently only a degree away from the progressed Mars and will be in conjunction with it throughout 2023-24. That definitely suggests a threat from short sellers or similar especially when Pluto is square the natal Mercury. By 2025-6 Pluto will square the progressed Sun. Note how that mirrors the incorporation chart picture.
So unfortunately I do expect to be returning to DB in the future.
Data-Deutsche Bank:
Founded in Berlin 22 Jan 1870
Bank license issued 10 March 1870
Listed on Berlin SE ( now on Frankfurt SE) 30 May 1870
Listed on NYSE 3 Oct 2001