Although 30 September didn’t see the absolute low of the year, it came close, so time for a little update to our analyses.
Well, sometimes I bang on about Pluto and Uranus and Neptune and I am sure people get a little fed up of them. But the fact is, they always pop up in times of difficulty or crises. And here they are again.
Pluto is slap bang on the Descendant. Any Pluto conjunction with an angle is challenging and although Pluto on the Descendant can mean challenges for others – when those others are probably share owners that isn’t much of an advantage. As if that wasn’t enough Pluto is also square the progressed Neptune, challenging the established narrative that tech is always good. It will continue to be square that Mercury until next October and will conjoin the natal Neptune to boot. More fun is likely to ensure. The fact that in 2023 Pluto will be trine the natal Pluto doesn’t help. It isn’t a square but it isn’t a bowl of cherries either.
But we know that the Nasdaq is a child of a Neptune Jupiter conjunction so they are likely to be even more important. In fact Neptune is having a relatively quiet moment. It will soon ( April 2023) square the Nasdaq Moon however and then all bets will be off.
But in case anyone in inclined to think that this is a particularly tough time, I draw their attention to Jupiter. Transiting Jupiter is trine the natal Neptune, Jupiter Mars conjunction and that is extremely positive. Indeed the progressed Sun remains trine the natal Mars and i=until that moves on we are still in bubble territory. Sorry folks, this is not a really bad picture at all.
Turning to Uranus though we can see the other factor causing our current shocking downturn. Transiting Uranus is close to conjunction with the Nasdaq progressed Saturn and of course, as we know, transiting Saturn is square this.. In addition, the progressed Moon is conjunct natal Saturn and square the natal Sun. This is all rather heavy stuff and has been more than offsetting the boost from Jupiter described above.
Both configurations will remain broadly in place until March next year so I don’t expect either big falls or big rises before then- rather we should expect more of what we have seen over the last few months. The worst is likely to be around the time of the November eclipse.
But by April 2023 we will see some new trends emerging.