I wasn’t intending to look at Israel this month ( I wanted to focus further on financial matters) but the events of the last weeks have made me look back to my forecasts for the country, made in 2020.
Of course I know astrology is amazing but even so, it still surprises me how accurate forecasts can be even when they seem crazy at the time
For March and April 2023 I had said:
“….. there is a major shift in March and April 2023. Although there are still the issues of the long term foundations of the country under the spotlight it seems that other issues are receding. What is interesting is that the possible signifier of the…..Palestinians becomes much less defined now and [briefly] very curiously aligned with the Israeli people. That would certainly be a shift.”
As my words state it seemed unlikely that the Palestinian issue would recede into the background and it would be the Israeli people that would be most prominently against the country’s administration and yet here we are.
So for completeness, let’s have a quick look here at the chart and what factors are at play:
It is difficult to pick a single time, should we choose Netanyahu’s return to power or the announcement of the judicial reforms ( Jan 4th),when the protests escalated or when other nations started to show concern?
I’ve gone for the announcement last night by Netanyahu that the reforms would be suspended as a key moment though it won’t encapsulate everything.
Interestingly, the announcement angles align with the country chart. We can also see that the transiting Moon then was on the progressed Descendant as he was addressing the people.
It is the progressed Moon on the Descendant over the last couple of months that has really contributed to the mood and it is interesting to see it mirrored at this important time.
The progressed Moon is now sextile the country’s Uranus, progressed Venus conjunction and it is not surprising that disruptive old Uranus has been called into play.
We can also see that one of the key factors at play at the moment ( an approximately 2 year aspect) is the conjunction of progressed Mars and the progressed Midheaven (and trine the natal Mercury). The world sees conflict. We also note that although Mars has now moved into Cancer it has spent the last few weeks in conjunction with the Israel Uranus, indicating the ongoing unrest. This has been further exacerbated by the square between transiting Neptune and the Israel Uranus – suggesting things are murky as well as unstable.
Note how on the day in question the Sun ( indicator of leaders) is exactly opposite that progressed Mars-MC too. As always astrology times things to perfection!!!
Another suggestion of instability is transiting Uranus square the Israel Saturn ( indicator of the status quo and “the way things were”).
The announcement of the suspension (but not cancellation) of the reform was obviously a peak moment in this story.
However, I don’t think this is over yet as Jupiter will soon reach the Descendant and next week there will be a full moon at 16 Aries when Mars is square the progressed Mars-MC point. Indeed my forecast made in 2020 does not see resolution during 2023. Multiple changes of leader could be possible, as could actual fighting between factions.
Bear in mind that the April 2024 Jupiter Uranus conjunction is close to the Israeli Sun. That is the antithesis of stable government.