Many Moons ago I promised that if Elon Musk actually did complete his deal to buy twitter I would look at the twitter foundation chart rather than the more deal focussed IPO chart.
I am here to fulfil that promise. And what better day to do that than the one where the transiting Sun is reaching the Twitter Midheaven
The chart in use for Twitter is the first tweet made by Jack Dorsey on 21 March 2006, 12.50pm PST. I’ve set the 2023 chart for the new moon following the Aries ingress which, of course falls on the Twitter Sun. Hmmmm. Already things are looking interesting.
Indeed there is a lot going on in this new moon chart even at first glance. We see the transiting MC is conjunct the Twitter Venus and opposing the progressed Moon. Transiting Jupiter is close to conjunction with the progressed Sun and transiting Mars has recently completed a conjunction with the progressed Mars.
Clearly all these things relate to the actions and changes made by Musk since he took over, both internally and to the visual experience of the users. Clearly we are in a critical period but everyone knows all that.
Here, we are more interested here in the survival of the App itself in the medium term. So we can turn to the outer planets.
Pluto is obviously just entering Aquarius. It is close to a sextile with the Twitter Sun, but this will not perfect until the Spring of 2024. Yes, that spring when Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct.
Saturn is currently conjoining the Twitter progressed Venus, this will depress the image and also the resources. Again no real surprises. Saturn will go on to quincunx the Twitter Saturn and progressed Ascendant in the next couple of months. Not a huge game changer but suggesting continued tricky conditions.
Neither Saturn nor Pluto make many other aspects in the next year except one notable one.
The Twitter MC is currently trine its natal Pluto – indicating the fundamental changes. This is slowly separating (getting weaker) . But as Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn it will form a square with that progressed MC in September and October 2023 as it did in mid 2022. This is much more significant and suggests much bigger changes will occur again later this year. The fact that progressed Mars at 26 Gemini remains in opposition to the natal Pluto (26 Sag) all this year only adds to the pressures.
But there is more. Neptune is at 25 Pisces now and will reach 26 degrees in late April. Neptune is a lot of things but clear and decisive it is most definitely not. Mars and Neptune are pretty much inimical. I honestly can’t see the next few months as being anything other than directionless at best and at worst there could be complete loss of control.
But what about Uranus? Are we in for sudden socks as well? It is currently at 16 Taurus and making only some semi-sextiles . No worries. Yet.
In April and May, though, it will reach an opposition to the Twitter Jupiter and a square to its Neptune not to mention a quincunx to the natal Moon. Yikes.
The combination of the Neptune/Mars/Pluto with the Uranus/Jupiter/Moon means we are in for a roller-coaster ride until July. Some news then will calm things down briefly until the Pluto retrograde in September.
I honestly can’t see this as anything other than a sign that things inside Twitter will get worse and possibly that it may be sold again ( at a much lower price I imagine) later on in the year.
Either way we will booking at changes to the leadership and vision in early spring 2024. Though interestingly the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in April 2024 does not make any hard aspects to the chart. The shocks then will be elsewhere and Twitter may slowly be able to evolve a new model – though whether by then that is as an independent company or as part of another group is questionable.