Time for a re-look at the Nasdaq
After some difficult months in late 2022 the Nasdaq recovered somewhat in quarter 1 of 2023.
But we have a dilemma. The closing high was on 31 March but there was a intra-day high on 2 Feb which was greater.
I’m going to set the chart for close in March (easier to be accurate about the moment), but we’ll look at the February position briefly too.
Even a lay person would be hard pressed to miss the key feature of this chart. The transiting Sun is conjunct the Nasdaq MC ( and is thus opposing the natal Uranus). And even the progressed Sun is only a degree away. The Moon is trine the Midheaven too. I’m guessing its exact trine would have been the daily high. But the transiting Sun hits this point every year- even combined with the progressed Sun this does not tell us the whole picture.
However, I do think we need to note that over the next 12 months the progressed Sun will conjoin the natal Midheaven and this could mean that whatever peak we reach then will be a top for a long time to come. I would especially look at March April 2024 for the change of mood.
That said, what else is going on?
Well first there is the progressed Mars at 10 Capricorn. That is square the Midheaven ( and the transiting Sun). That narrows down the focus to this year and a couple either side.
Another factor that is playing a part is Mercury. We see that the progressed Mercury is square the natal Mercury. This does not tell us whether the effect is good or bad- merely that it is notable. Transiting Mercury is only 2 degrees away on 31 March, making this an even more important date.
But more important is the position of Jupiter. Mercury has recently conjoined Jupiter and the sun will do so in 10 days ( that’s now, of course- I wouldn’t be here writing this if the heavens did not decree it). That’s as good as it gets. So I am not expecting much better highs after this.
Nevertheless, we must also look at the bigger picture and the outer planets as they tell us the longer term trends.
Pluto, our friendly annihilator, is doing little other than a trine to the progressed MC. And, although it will retrograde later to Capricorn, it has completed its conjunction with the Descendant for 350years or so. A relief. ( Other unpleasant aspects are available within that timescale). Plutos’s journey is going to get more interesting as it sextiles the very important Jupiter- Neptune conjunction but that won’t perfect for another year either.
Neptune, our fantasy merchant and enabler of bubbles, is making aspects though. It is sextile the aforementioned Mercury, trine the natal Ascendant, and square the natal Moon. This is clearly a contributor to the better conditions of the last few months. Neptune hangs round this point until early 2024, giving some protection from downward shocks until then. It will oppose the natal Pluto in mid 2024 when all bets will be off.
Our drama queen Uranus is of more immediate interest. At 16 Taurus it was square the natal Sun on 31 March. Nothing like a Uranus to change the trend. That’s what distinguishes this 31 March from every other.
Uranus will go on to conjoin the progressed Saturn in May. Expect some disruption then and some clues to April 2024 when it will be joined by Jupiter close to the same degree-square the natal nodes too. We will definitely be looking at interesting times for the market then.
Finally I should mention that progressed Venus is now in Pisces. After nearly 25 years in Aquarius. That’s a real change of emphasis for the Index= expect big changes in the mix of dominant companies in the coming years. We won’t see it quite yet as Saturn is currently conjoining Venus, depressing values. We must keep our eyes open for new trends. The sudden obsession with so called AI is just one of these.
So that’s the 31st March chart. What made February the 2nd similar but different?
Well, Jupiter that week was close to the progressed Sun and Midheaven. On 2nd it was at 6 degrees though, making it trine the progressed Jupiter. Indeed there was second peak on 7th as Jupiter reached the progressed Sun and the positive period extended to 15th when Jupiter was separating from the progressed Sun. A conjunction of the transiting Sun with the natal Sun accompanied the high. It conjoined Saturn when the trend dropped out. Note how the presence of Jupiter kept the top broadly in place for a couple of weeks but Uranus in March created a short sharp peak.
There were other factors ( Mars etc) at play but we can see the impact of both the Sun and Jupiter on the picture and we have a clear indicator of what the special triggers are once again.