The last time we took a peak at Tesla was December 2021. Although Tesla itself has not directly been much in the news, Musk obviously has. That however leaves us wondering whether he has lost focus and what impact that will have on Tesla and its stock price.
When I last analysed the company the shares had peaked and I said that the conditions that led to the peak were over and the only unknown that might create a new high was the Jupiter Neptune conjunction of March-April 2022.
In fact a peak did occur in late March 2022 but didn’t match the November 2021 one. So far, so good. The shares hit a 2 year low at the start of 2023 though they have made some recovery ( in line with the overall market) since. They remain above pre-pandemic levels. Let’s look at whether that is sustainable.
We don’t have a particular peak or trough in mind, so let’s trust the universe and use the chart of now.
See what happens if you trust the Universe. The Ascendant of now in NY is the Ascendant of the IPO chart. A nod of gratitude is in order. We are good to go.
As we are looking for the big picture this time, we’ll start with Pluto and work inwards. Though I know you want me to comment on that Uranus already……
Pluto, in its new Aquarian home is trine the progressed Midheaven. ( yes, that is literally the same story as for the Nasdaq composite – this is the Universe on steroids). Transiting Venus in conjunct today. Pluto is also sextile the IPO Uranus/Jupiter conjunction. That is powerful and dramatic but could be good or bad. It is also very long term remaining in place for the next 3-4 years.
Neptune has been more or less behaving itself. It has made a quincunx with the Ascendant and a recent trine with the progressed Moon. This might have kept the stock price aloft but it is now receding. Things in Neptune land are quiet this year but building up to something in 2024 when it opposes the IPO Saturn. That will inject a bit of reality into things for sure. The fact that it occurs in April 2024, at the time of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction should make us sit up and take notice. But for 2023 we are just moseying along in that park.
Now that Uranus. Close, oh, so close, to the MC. In fact it will be exact on May 1st. So sometime in the next 2-3 weeks we can expect a bit of drama and probably some wild swings in the share price. The sextile to the progressed Sun implies that Musk will be part of the picture, the trine to progressed Mars emphasises the likelihood of dramatic trading moves and also dramatic action by “the great leader” . Yippee, I have started to miss the popcorn.
I suspect this will be a knock-on effect from Twitter events but it could of course have to do with Tesla’s underlying supply chain or technology. Or all three.
It is important to note though that this is Uranus’s last transit of the Midheaven point ( although it returns to within a degree later in the year) though not of the progressed Sun and Mars. And of course next year’s conjunction is within a degree of the Mars and Sun. I think there is more drama to come but perhaps it will be less shocking, although I can’t vouch for Jupiter crossing the MC next April without a big announcement.
Finally we’ll look at Saturn. Currently opposing the progressed Venus-Ascendant conjunction it is probably supressing the price somewhat and will continue to do so throughout 2023. With little going on with Pluto, Neptune and Saturn as it is , I don’t see much in the way of upside, especially not in trend. And the Uranus shocks could pull the rug.
We’ve already discussed most of the progressed planets, and other than what has been mentioned it is a quiet year for them. I think that suggests underlying business as usual without any radical changes of direction. More confirmation that it is Musk’s other activities that influence the stock trading here.
So I’m not going to look at the underlying company chart yet, I’ll leave that for later in the year.
In the meantime. sit back and enjoy the ride