Turkey is due to hold a general election and a presidential election on 14 May 2023. However we won’t know the result of this round until 19th May and if a second round is necessary we won’t know that result until 1 June.
Here is an extract from the forecast I wrote in January 2021 about Turkey in 2023- I had not noticed then that 2023 was a possible election year.
The focus stays on the people as we move into March and April. As we know the mood generally changes now and this shift may see a last attempt to unseat leadership . ……..
..Following the shift in emphasis in the first 4 months we see a different picture emerging in May to August. There is change but this may be limited by inertia. There is also possibly new and harder leadership that means the world is focused on the Turkish people. However there are opportunities for them too at least initially. But the risk of leaders over-reacting still remains.
So it does look as if my initial analysis then suggested shifts towards more hard-line leadership whether party or presidential.
With more than one date to consider I think the best choice is 19th May which, even if not providing the final outcome, will give an indication of the direction.
I’ve set the chart for noon
It is extremely hard to identify in the chart the different political factions- this is because both the incumbent party and opposition are comprised a mix bag of different interests. The best we can do is try to determine the mood of the people and the style of the leadership after the result.
We can immediately see that 19 May is a new Moon. This can have two meanings, both of which may be true in this case – showing the alignment of the people and the announced leadership and indicating the start of a new cycle in the country.
I would suggest that this also means the outcome is likely to be final on 19th May. The 1st June is a much less significant day.
Before we go further, we should note some things about Uranus- bringer of sudden events and changes. It has passed, for the final time, a square to the progressed Sun and a sextile to the progressed Uranus and even its opposition with the natal Venus. Its next aspects are a trine to the progressed Mercury and Ascendant and a sextile to the progressed Venus. That suggests to me that any change, if it happens, will be relatively smooth, certainly at first. Indeed this is close to the degree of next year’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction again suggesting any result is relatively unopposed until then.
However by May 2024 Jupiter and then Uranus will oppose Jupiter and quincunx the Mercury – Saturn conjunction- my guess would be that world economic events has a knock on effect on Turkey then leading to a more problematic economic ( and thus political) situation.
Returning to May 2023, we also see that Saturn is conjunct the Turkey Midheaven that week and trine its Sun. This was probably part of my original estimation that there would be a more hard-line approach. But it doesn’t by itself tell us who wins of course. And Saturn trine the Sun it could be an indicator that the existing Leader stays in place. Indeed the lack of dramatic change suggested and the themes discussed below would suggest that too.
It is somewhat concerning that transiting Pluto and Jupiter are square on this day and that Mars is approaching an opposition with Pluto, all of which are activated by the new Moon. Since Pluto and Jupiter can refer to debt, I suspect there will be a lot of action in the Turkey currency and bond market that day.
I am also inclined to think that there is a further move away from secular to more hardline Islamic leadership because Venus is conjoining the Turkey Ascendant and Pluto- this favours Erdogan’s alliance as that includes such parties, they may hold the balance of power and consequently more sway going forward.
But on the other hand, I think the people will generally be satisfied with the election outcome, as Jupiter is sextile both the Turkey Moon and the progressed Moon. However that doesn’t mean that the real outcome will be good for them, it only captures their immediate mood. The sextile between the New Moon and Neptune is likely to rose tint things too.
I am certainly not getting the feel of a complete shift of both ruling party and president – it is possible one will change and not the other. The polls at present favour the ruling party and are too close to call on the presidency. I must admit that without looking at all the personal charts I can’t conclusively call this though the balance seems to be tipping to maintenance of the current leadership.